
Cheesy GreenĀ Oatmeal

March 23, 2014
4 Ratings
  • Serves 2
Author Notes

I love savory breakfasts, but I'm late to the oatmeal game. Yes, I know, it's really good for you, but I always found it to be gloppy and unappetizing. Then I found steel cut oats and my life changed. And about a year ago, I discovered Bob's Red Mill Extra Thick Rolled Oats, and I became a rolled oats fan as well.

What I love about this recipe is that it's very adaptable (you don't have za'atar? No worries, chop up some thyme or basil. You don't like cheddar? No big deal, use Swiss.), and no matter what you do, it comes out good. It's also stick to your ribs filling, and even makes you feel virtuous for getting some greens in so early in the day. Plus, you can make lunch while the oatmeal cooks-- it only requires occasional stirring-- so it's perfect for when you have to get out the door quickly and you want a hot breakfast. —drbabs

What You'll Need
  • 1/2 cup Rolled oats
  • 2 cups water
  • 1/2 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1/4 pound sharp cheddar cheese
  • 1/2 cup finely chopped spinach (frozen is fine, just drain it well)
  • 1 heaping teaspoon za'atar
  • Pinch red pepper flakes (optional)
  • Salt and black pepper as needed
  1. In a small saucepan, bring water and salt to boil. Pour in oats, reduce heat to medium, and cook uncovered, stirring occasionally, for about 15 minutes until it reaches your desired consistency.
  2. Grate cheese into a serving bowl. Add spinach, za'atar , and red pepper flakes if using. When oatmeal has finished cooking, pour it into the serving bowl and stir we'll till blended. Taste and add more za'atar , red pepper flakes, salt and/or black pepper as desired.
  3. Serve immediately. (It gets slimy when cold.)

See what other Food52ers are saying.

  • drbabs
  • healthierkitchen
  • aargersi
  • TiggyBee
  • arielleclementine

6 Reviews

drbabs March 24, 2014
How nice, y'all! Just remember to eat it right away. I tried microwaving leftovers this morning, and the texture was really unappetizing!
Julianne M. April 5, 2019
Instead of microwaving leftovers try slicing, dredging and frying. I think that bacon drippings are perfect for reheating and a bit of bacon crumbled and sprinkled over top is terrific. I have been a fan of savoury oat dishes my whole life.
healthierkitchen March 23, 2014
Great idea! I will have to look out for that Bob's Red Mill!
aargersi March 23, 2014
I am having this tomorrow
TiggyBee March 23, 2014
I love this! I usually put a big spoonful or two of Greek yogurt on oatmeal with a few pinches of Maldon salt flakes. I'm going to make this tomorrow! Thanks!!
arielleclementine March 23, 2014
This sounds perfect! And I've got everything on hand too! Will give it a spin this week!