Make Ahead

Green Garbanzo Hummus

April  4, 2014
0 Ratings
  • Makes ~ 2.5 cups
Author Notes

This time of the year brings with it a slew of some special produce. Blink & they're gone for the year. While I wait for the first bunches of ramps to make their appearance, I'm enjoying the bountiful supply of fresh, tender green garbanzos.
I'm addicted to Hummus, but often succumb to picking up a tub from the supermarket simply because when the craving strikes, I don't have time to soak and cook up the beans before whipping up some great home made dip. So, on the last trip to the Indian grocery store (where these green garbanzos are currently in season) , I resolved to dedicate the latest bag's worth to making hummus, (or at least trying to). The end result far exceeded my expectation.
Green garbanzos have a light buttery texture when steamed, and this confers a delicate creaminess to the hummus (as opposed to the hint of mealy starch that the hydrated dried garbanzo beans bring to the dish).
The flavor of the beans is quite delcate, so I went easy on the Tahini so that the flavor of the sesame did not take center stage. Since the beans have an inherent buttery texture, the amount of tahini can be minimized. The ice cold water added to the hummus is a technique I learned from Chef Sami Tamimi's recipe from 'Jerusalem', the book he co authored with Yotam Ottolenghi. —Panfusine

  • 2 cups freshly shucked green garbanzo
  • 2 heaped tablespoons Tahini Paste
  • 1 clove garlic, peeled and smashed
  • 1 small green Serrano chili minced
  • Juice of 1/2 a lemon
  • Salt to taste
  • Approximately 1/2 cup ice cold chilled water
  • 1 teaspoon Sumac or Aleppo pepper for garnish
  1. Steam the green garbanzos for about 7-10 minutes until its soft but not mushy . Allow it to cool and add it into the bowl of a food processor along with the garlic and minced green serrano chile. Pulse & run the processor until the garbanzos are almost pulverized.
  2. Add the Tahini along with the lemon juice and salt and run the processor until the ingredients combine.
  3. Drizzle just enough of the ice cold water while the machine is running so that the hummus consistency turns creamy. Transfer the hummus into a container and allow to rest in the fridge for about an hour to let the flavors develop. ( the garlic needs this time to mellow down). Transfer to a serving dish sprinkle with sumac or Aleppo pepper as a garnish. Serve up with pretzels, or Pita chips

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A biomedical engineer/ neuroscientist by training, currently a mommy blogger on a quest for all things food - Indian Palate, Global perspective!

6 Reviews

Alma D. November 18, 2019
I make hummus weekly, can’t wait to try it with green garbanzo. Meanwhile I will try edamame.
Beautiful, M. April 7, 2014
Panfusine April 7, 2014
susan G. April 4, 2014
Those green garbanzos are adorable, just babies. What a beautiful color. Since my chance of finding them is zero where I live, I'll try this with edamame.
Panfusine April 7, 2014
Edamame sounds like a fabulous idea, Need to try that!
alexandra February 2, 2015
I've done this with edamame and it turned out fantastic. But if you ever have a chance to get green garbanzos, they are a true treat in any form!