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13 Reviews
Karen L.
October 2, 2018
Excellent preparation! I made it for my husband (who handles most of the beef) and he LOVED IT! Vive la France!
May 5, 2014
Was wondering what to do with the entrecotes in the fridge. This should do the trick. My local supermarket doesn't have much(nothing) in the chipotle dept, so will use espices basquoise instead. I cheat with the frites and use frozen sprinkled with salt and some pimenton
May 4, 2014
Please ignore the below comment. posted on wrong recipe and still no way to edit provided by Food52
May 4, 2014
Twice-fried with a little garlic powder sprinkled on before 2nd frying. Then served with Maldon sea salt & malt vinegar. Outside a pub in England preferred, with a nice pulled pint.
April 28, 2014
I love French fries HOT, with homemade mayonnaise, a glass of chilled Rose', a good friend... just before a salad nicoise.
Kanzi K.
April 28, 2014
Is there a good recipe for frites?
chef L.
May 1, 2014
There's a wonderful recipe for baked fries, which may disqualify them as frites per se, here:http://food52.com/recipes/18338-roasted-slap-fries-with-srirachannaise
I made them once and plan to again tis weekend.
I made them once and plan to again tis weekend.
May 28, 2015
Here's a link to David Lebovitz' French Fries (frites), the recipe that accompanies Steak with Mustard Butter in his cookbook, My Paris Kitchen. Great book!
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