
Sazarac Cocktails with Anisette

August 30, 2014
3 Ratings
  • Serves 1
Author Notes

I went to 4 bars in the French Quarter to try Sazaracs and take away the best recipe. This was my favorite but after 4 Sazaracs I could only remember the recipe and not the name of the bar where I got it – maybe the Hotel Monteleone? —Robert Iulo

  • 1 tablespoon Anisette (or Pernod)
  • 3 dashes Peychauds bitters
  • 1 teaspoon simple syrup
  • 2 ounces Rye
  • 2 dashes Angostura bitters
  1. Put Anisette in a small rocks glass. Coat the sides of the glass with it and then add some ice.
  2. In another small rocks glass add: Peychauds bitters and syrup. Mix, add ice and stir. Add rye and stir. Empty ice and excess Anisette from 1st rocks glass and strain mix of Peychauds, syrup and rye into it. Float a 2 dashes of Angostura on top. Serve cold without ice.

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