
Doughnut Sausage, Egg and Cheese

September  2, 2014
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  • Serves 1
Author Notes

It's dessert, it's breakfast, it's too good to be true! Give in a little, break that diet and engage your taste buds in a roller coaster ride through flavor city ( to paraphrase guy fieri). —Melissa Schwimmer

What You'll Need
  • 1 day too old apple cider doughnut
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tablespoon butter
  • 1 sausage patty of your choice ( I like morningstar)
  • few slices of Campo de Mantalban or another manchego-esque cheese
  • 1 drop honey
  • slight sprinkle cayenne
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. Cut your apple cider doughnut in half. Begin to heat up your sausage with the honey and cayenne.
  2. In a pan heat half of your butter over medium heat. Drop in your egg and sprinkle on salt and pepper. When the egg begins to firm up splash some water in the pan and cover the pan with a cover or a plate for just about a minute. This creates the perfect ooey gooey but cooked through fried egg.
  3. While the egg is cooking heat another vessel with the rest of the butter and put you doughnut middle side down to get it nice and toasted.
  4. Remove your warmed doughnut and add your cheese, sausage and your egg.
  5. Embrace and devour this sandwich for a decadent breakfast with a nice warm chai latte or go bold, get saucy and enjoy it with a mimosa, like it's…still breakfast!
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