Lemon Meringue
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64 Reviews
Ellen G.
March 21, 2021
when I drain yogurt now I line a funnel with paper towel folded into quarters and opened up to make a liner for the funnel. The funnel goes into a solid glass or a jar. There was never room for the strainer in my fridge and this way the whey is already collected in a jar ready to lid and store for refrigerator soup. It makes a wide process taller in a crowded fridge.
The recipe looks yummy. I plan to make it for Easter. Thank you
The recipe looks yummy. I plan to make it for Easter. Thank you
March 13, 2021
Yes, this is a bit of a project but well worth the time to see everyone’s initials smiles and their eyes rolling in delight! Excellent for a crowd, especially for an Easter celebration. Light, crisp with a wonderful lemon punch. Thank you!
April 13, 2018
Jennifer, the cake you described with layers of meringue between might be a marjolaine cake. Yours sounds delicious.
April 13, 2018
This cake was amazing! I didn't have the oven space or the time to make three meringues but as I don't like white chocolate I simply did to layers with a bit of cream on the side. Sooo good!
August 9, 2017
This is beautiful. I do ok with pavlova and lemon curd, but never thought to put them together. I will omit the WC because I don't like, and the pistachios because I can't eat them. I will not get the full deal flavor. But what a great idea.
February 12, 2016
whoa! measurements switch to metric? how about including both throughout?
February 12, 2016
Hello Cathy. Unfortunately I can not edit the recipe anymore. Both measurements for the recipe is on my blog www.heinstirred.com
February 12, 2016
Thank you from the metrically impaired! A kind answer and a terrific new blog to follow!
Natalie T.
November 8, 2015
I love measurements by weight for baking, but I'm confused as to why the lemon zest, a dry ingredient, is listed in ML. The original recipe on another site has even more dry ingredients (sugar, cornstarch) listed with wet ingredient measurements. Weird.
Nancy C.
November 8, 2015
Yes. I have noticed this as well, on several recipes. They don't seem to be edited well for a website like this (which is weird.) It doesn't seem like it would be that difficult to run it past someone. Fortunately, it is usually it is an ingredient that won't matter to the recipe.. like lemon zest.. (I always add extra!)
February 16, 2015
What a show stopper! We shared it with the neighborhood over the weekend, and everyone is still talking about it. The pistachio + thick, unsweetened yogurt filling is such a clever touch, while the lemon curd is one of the best I've ever made. The whole thing was such fun to make, too. Thank you, heinstirred, for this well-written recipe, and this perfectly lovely, very special dessert. ;o)
tony A.
February 13, 2015
for the white vinegar, it says 6 teaspoons here, but 6 tablespoons on your website. which is correct?
February 13, 2015
Oh no, apologies it is 6 teaspoons. I must have made an error when I rewrote the measurements recently on the blog. I have made the exact meringue recipe with 6 tablespoons recently and the result was fine.
January 29, 2015
This is beautiful and I am so excited to try it! It reminds me of a desert I used to make years ago - a very special cake that included layers of pistachio and meringue and, I think, pistachio brittle? It was a beautiful cake from Martha Stewart that I loved. Nowadays, I have to avoid gluten, but I have an aversion to 'gluten free' baked goods....which is usually OK since I rarely crave sweets but would, for those times when I do - or for those times I need to serve a desert to a gathering, like an alternative to my fall-back creme brûlée (I know, hard to believe one could grow tired of creme brûlée, however.....) Plus, in spite of all the sugar and dairy, this has all those egg whites..has to be somewhat healthy? Right?!? Of course:)
BTW - I love recipes with measurements - digital scales are very inexpensive, small, slim, easy to store, and accurate. They streamline the cooking process immensely - in the case of many recipes, one scale means fewer measuring utensils to clean!
BTW - I love recipes with measurements - digital scales are very inexpensive, small, slim, easy to store, and accurate. They streamline the cooking process immensely - in the case of many recipes, one scale means fewer measuring utensils to clean!
January 29, 2015
Thank you so much Jennifer. Let's think of it as some sort of an egg white omelet :)
I am going to hunt down that Martha Stewart recipe - it sounds fantastic!
I am going to hunt down that Martha Stewart recipe - it sounds fantastic!
January 29, 2015
I spent a few minutes trying to locate it....and couldn't find the exact one - but I know I have it saved in my files 'somewhere'! It was layers of cake sandwiched with merengue layers cut to fit and 'glued' in with frosting - I'm thinking buttercream icing and pistachio brittle played a role in it. I do remember it was beautifully decorated with ivy leaves and toasted pistachios (only Martha!) I remember making it when we'd just moved to Lexington, Kentucky - and we were lucky to have a healthy bed of ivy which I used to decorate the cakes - timewise, it means it must have been about 20 years ago! Yikes! If I find that recipe, I'll be sure to send you a copy or link or whatever.
January 30, 2015
Oh that would be amazing Jennifer and thank you for taking the trouble! It would be fun to create a modern version of it. My contact details are on my blog www.heinstirred.com. Have a wonderful weekend!
January 17, 2015
I made it yesterday for a friends's birthday and, my god, it was beautiful! By far the most impressive dessert I've ever made. It is definitely a challenge to get this done (I tried to get the meringues right 3 times (on a side note, never bake when you're sleep deprived)) but the results are amazing! Thank you :)
January 18, 2015
Oh Matilde, that is just the best news. So sorry it took 3 times but so happy it worked in the end and you loved it!
December 30, 2014
Looks lovely - Are your pistachios raw or roasted? Have you ever used just the yolks for the curd or do you need the whole egg?
December 31, 2014
Hello smonfor. These pistachios were raw but you could use roasted too. I have not made curd with just yolks but have seen recipes where it is a combination of whole eggs and egg yolks. I think just yolks might change the texture of the curd and also be overly rich.
December 29, 2014
Congratulations on the win! This will definitely be my next dessert masterpiece! Thank you for sharing.
December 29, 2014
I will add US equivalents to the original recipe on my blog - http://heinstirred.com/2013/12/28/lemon-meringue/ It seems the edit function has been removed from the recipe here so I can not add it. I am on my way to the airport to fly back to South Africa so give me a day to do it. Thanks
Noelle B.
December 29, 2014
Weight measurements? Seriously? I do not have the time to try and look up each of these measurements so "please" put the directions in the US equivalents next to the other weight measurements. Your recipes look delicious but we won't make them if we have to spend all our time trying to figure them out.
December 29, 2014
This 'we' is happy to make the recipe with metric weights, which at least for me, is far more accurate for baking.
Emily S.
December 30, 2014
Seriously Noelle, you really should invest in a kitchen scale and start using one for all your recipes-- they're not very expensive and not that hard to use, and the payoff is worth it. You'll have much better results than you do using your old US measurements.
February 12, 2015
I'm in favor of weight measurements, too! In fact, I'm giving recipes with weight measurements preferences these days, rarely making baked goods providing volume only - except much older recipes. ;o)
February 12, 2015
I love taking my scale out when I want to bake - makes me feel rather professional :)
February 12, 2015
It's also so much easier! If only people in the U.S. knew . . . I really wish would Food52 would take a leadership role here. ;o)
Emily S.
December 29, 2014
Not to be a pain in the backside, but in addition to the error about the three circles on each parchment paper/baking trays (which I see you have already said should be just one circle on each tray) I think that step 10 (spoon the curd into a bowl...) is probably in the wrong spot (since steps 11, 12 and 13 are making the lemon curd) and should go after step 13. Looks like a yummy recipe though and I'm going to try it for my sisters' birthday. Thank you.
December 29, 2014
Hello Emily. There were some steps that went missing went Food52 published the recipe from my food52 recipe as a contest finalist so I think it has to do with that. I am also unable to go into the recipe to correct the steps so can only suggest to check the original recipe on my blog - http://heinstirred.com/2013/12/28/lemon-meringue/. Apologies for the hassle.
Emily S.
December 30, 2014
No hassle at all so don't feel you need to apologize :-) Thanks for your reply; I thought maybe you'd be able to edit the recipe, but since you can't, I'm sure most people will be able to figure it out easily enough.
February 12, 2015
I'll send a note to the editors to ask them to correct this. I too found it confusing, but was able to figure it out. Once a recipe becomes a finalist, it's locked forever to the author. ;o)
Nancy C.
December 28, 2014
Looks fabulous. Does it cut into pieces nicely without the meringue crumbling? Or is it soft meringue? On step #3 it does say draw 3 circles on each piece of paper.
December 29, 2014
Should read 'one on each piece of paper'. There is some crumbling but it does hold its shape well when sliced. I made it at sea level so not sure if that might make a difference.
Mary A.
December 28, 2014
I agree what a nuisance especially since meringue portion of recipe is in US equivalency!
December 29, 2014
Hello Mary Ann. I will update my original blog post with US conversion and message the link to you.
December 28, 2014
This dessert I will make post haste for sure. I understand the US is behind "world measurement" times but this requires a lot of work looking up US conversion equivalents. Common ladies, give me a break and show in parenthesis the US measurements for these ingredients. Just a suggestion, thanks.
December 28, 2014
I applaud the cook for not using cup measurements. The only proper way in baking is to use weight measurements.
December 28, 2014
Oh, I see that meringue portion is in volume measurements. Half applaud then.
December 29, 2014
Hello Cindy. I will update my original blog post with US conversion and message the link to you.
December 28, 2014
Why the three baking sheets & 9 circles? This doesn't make sense to me, given the rest of the recipe -- which looks quite fabulous.
December 28, 2014
Hello Jazzball. Not 9 circles. It is 3 circles of about 9 inches in diameter.
December 29, 2014
I see the error in step 3 now. It's just 3 circles of meringue. Apologies.
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