
Artichoke hearts and ricotta pie

February  4, 2015
0 Ratings
  • Serves 8
Author Notes

It’s my masterpiece in the kitchen, which never disappoints the expectations and it’s good and simple, but not casual. It’s the pie for parties, events, family lunches and summer brunches. It’s always a certainty. Check it on: https://profumieparole.wordpress.com/ —Greta Ceresini

  • 400 grams artichoke hearts
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 200 grams ham
  • 450 grams ricotta cheese (soft white italian cheese)
  • grated Parmesan cheese
  • 1 egg
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 1 pinch pepper
  • 2 pinches salt
  • 2 forms of shortcrust pastry (Brisèe)
  • 6 pieces Fontina cheese (or cheddar cheese)
  1. Put the olive oil in a pan and put 2 cloves of garlic in it. After few minutes, add the artichoke hearts and a pinch of salt and cook it with some water. Cut the ham in cubes and add it in the pan, remove the garlic. When cooked, cut the artichoke hearts.
  2. Prepare the stuffing: put ricotta cheese, egg and Parmesan in a bowl. After few minutes, add the artichoke hearts and the cubes of ham; after that, oil, pepper and salt.
  3. Take the first form of stortcrust pastry and put it on the baking tin, then pierce it with a fork. Cut Fontina cheese and put the pieces on the pastry, then add the filling on them and level it. Put the second form of shortcrust pastry on the filling; cut the exceed pastry and roll up the two forms.
  4. Pierce it and put in the oven at 170° for about 40 minutes.
  5. Check the pie and pierce it sometimes. When the pastry will be baked, take off the cake and serve it when it’s lukewarm.

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3 Reviews

LMS July 12, 2022
I’m sure that’s 170 centigrade. It looks good but it is just Too much trouble for me to go through and convert the temperature and everything else so I probably won’t try it.
Jackie N. July 12, 2022
I have a conversion chart…170 Celsius converts to 325 Fahrenheit or if it’s 170 Celsius with fan (convection?) it converts to 375 Fahrenheit. Big difference.
Jackie N. July 12, 2022
Is 170 degrees Fahrenheit the correct baking temp? How soupy is the pie…I love the flavor combo but would love to make this crustless. Maybe an extra egg. Thoughts?