5 Ingredients or Fewer

Acorn Squash Burritos

February 14, 2015
3 Ratings
  • Makes 6 small burritos or 2-3 large burritos which will serve 1 very hungry to 3 not so hungry
Author Notes

When making a burrito, the quality of the tortilla is important. We get ours at the tortilla factory a couple blocks away--it's a small family owned restaurant, but of course most people aren't that luck, and there are those nights when we don't plan ahead and have to use tortillas from the grocery store. The end result is also affected by the quality of the salsa; use your favorite, homemade if possible. This isn't so much a recipe as a fortunate combination that came about with leftovers (the squash and seeds were already roasted and the salsa made) and a need for lunch. —weshook

  • 1 acorn squash
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
  • sea salt
  • tortillas, 6 small or 2-3 large
  • salsa, to taste
  1. Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
  2. Cut the acorn squash in half and scoop out the seeds. Wait! Don't toss them; place them in an oven-safe pan. You can clean the squash guts out of them, or just put them in the pan, guts and all, like I did. The guts get nice and crispy too. Toss with 1/2 tablespoon olive oil and salt to taste. Place the squash in another oven-safe pan, cut side up and put 1 tablespoon olive oil in each half. Season to taste with salt. Put both pans in the preheated oven. Roast the seeds until browned and crispy (watch carefully so they don't burn). Remove from oven. Roast the squash for 40 minutes or until the squash is tender and you can poke it easily with a fork.
  3. On each tortilla, scoop out the desired amount of squash (Don't overfill your tortilla! It'll be harder to wrap without a blowout). Top with a sprinkle of crispy seeds and salsa to taste. Roll it up and enjoy!

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