
Pea Hummus

February 18, 2015
0 Ratings
  • Serves 4
Author Notes

Summer eating has to be easy, colourful and with as little fuss as possible. And as much as the eating must be so must the cooking. And I think this Pea Hummus fits the bill perfectly.

The colour is gorgeous, the sweetness of the peas works well with the slight hit from the garlic and the tahini gives it a bit of a earthy base. Pile it on top of some toasted bread and you have a perfect marriage of textures, tastes and colours.

I had some left over homemade fresh curd cheese (ricotta) which I used as a first layer on the bread and topped it with the hummus.
The recipe can not be any simpler or quicker. It really is a case of putting it all in a blender and pulsing for a few seconds to the right consistency. If you do not have a blender you can easily make it in a pestle and mortar or mashing it all with a fork will be just as easy.

  • 1 cup fresh or frozen peas and extra for garnish
  • 2 tablespoons tahini
  • 1 clove garlic, chopped
  • 2 tablespoons EV olive oil
  • zest of one lemon
  • olive oil to drizzle
  • mint to garnish
  1. If you are using frozen peas, place in boiling water for a few minutes, drain and refresh under cold water.
  2. Place all ingredients except salt, pepper and lemon rind in food processor and pulse until smooth
  3. If the mixture is too dry add a splash of lemon juice and olive oil.
  4. Taste and add more lemon juice if needed.
  5. Make 10 slices of toasted bread. Ciabatta or sourdough.
  6. OPTIONAL: Spread fresh curd cheese thickly on the toasted slices of bread (if used)
  7. Top with pea hummus.
  8. Sprinkle with cracked black pepper and lemon rind.
  9. Drizzle some olive oil over each slice and garnish with mint leaves and the extra peas

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