5 Ingredients or Fewer
Coconut Panna Cotta
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6 Reviews
Amy P.
February 16, 2017
I had some half-and-half to use up so I tried this recipe. Other than using half-and-half in lieu of heavy cream, I followed the recipe ingredients and steps exactly. It set up nicely (I didn't unmold mine and I made four large portions; I think if I'd done smaller portions it would've unmolded just fine) and it got great reviews from me, my husband, and our 5/3/1 yo kids. I served it with a chunky mango puree. I'll be keeping this recipe! Next time I think I'll reduce the sugar to 5 Tbsp and maybe add a couple drops of coconut extract.
May 26, 2016
It was both, actually - creamy after some initial shards of ice. I used plain old Knox gelatin. Can you tell me what kind of coconut milk you used?
Cristina S.
May 26, 2016
Hi Terri. Thanks for your comment. That's so odd! I think the panna cotta's ability to set would have more to do with the gelatin than the coconut milk. When frozen, was it icy, or more custardy? I'm so curious as to what happened!
May 26, 2016
I made this a couple of days ago; the Panna cotta didn't set until I froze it. I wonder if the coconut milk affected it? I used full fat coconut milk. The frozen mix was delicious but it wasn't Panna cotta!
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