5 Ingredients or Fewer
Scrambled Egg Tacos With Avocado
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8 Reviews
janet V.
February 23, 2021
When I saw the picture I thought, "No way!" Someone stole my recipe! I've been making egg tacos for years, with just avocado and a drizzle of runny salsa. No cheese, no sour cream (although I'd try that or a bit of creme fraiche or Mexican crema,) I find that toasting the corn tortillas in a dry, screaming hot nonstick pan then using that same pan, off heat, with a bit of corn oil to quick scramble the eggs gives them a unique flavor as they pick up a hint of toasted corn flavor. Thank you for reminding us that "simple" can be so, so good.
April 2, 2018
Looking for something substantial for breakfast today and these were perfect! Blistering the tortillas over the gas flame adds some great flavor and our choice of hot sauce was sambal oelek - delicious!
May 21, 2016
A perfect meal for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Love it with habanero chilies and a little cilantro, and loved the idea of trying them with whipped cottage cheese.
October 6, 2015
These were JUST what the doctor ordered last night at 1am with a glass of wine. Soft scrambled eggs are a must. Thanks!
Babette's S.
September 8, 2015
WOW, I wish I had thought of this! So simple, yet so scrummy (as Dame Edna would say) and quick! I, too, had these late last night as the author mentions she often does. It was late and Chinese take-out closed early due to Labor Day, so I got a bag of corn tortillas and went home and grabbed that perfectly ripe avocado. I did add some diced scallions to the eggs and a good sprinkling of mixed shredded Mexican style cheeses along with a dollop of the yogurt. Used 3 eggs and 4 small tacos. These really are pretty messy eating, but super yummy and satisfying. I over-toasted one of the tacos a bit, but still was good. I think I'd like the tacos to remain slightly soft and pliable, but mine all were pretty crisp and unbendable from the flame toasting. I didn't have sour cream but did have a tub of Greek Yogurt from T.J.s, would like to try with sour cream some time and also maybe try it with some whipped cream cheese or whipped cottage cheese. I could eat these once a week, at least! Thanks Kenzi!
July 29, 2015
just made these for dinner and I see many many more of these in my future, possibly with a bit of cheese.
Furmano T.
March 22, 2015
I enjoyed your pithy commentary as much as I did this recipe. I hope you're a writer by trade. If not, you should be!
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