
Truffle omelette – (frittata di tartufo nero) – Umbria, Secondo (Main course)

April  2, 2015
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  • Serves 2
Author Notes

Categories: Vegetarian, Quick and Easy, Dairy Free*eliminate the milk This omelette is simple and quick but luxurious making use of black truffles. Eggs and truffles are a perfect pair allowing the flavour and aroma of the truffle to shine through. Children and adults both love this dish. —woo wei-duan

  • 6 eggs
  • 100 grams black truffle, finely grated or 100 grams jarred grated
  • 20 milliliters milk
  • 2 pinches sea salt
  • 20 milliliters extra-virgin olive oil
  1. Grate the truffles.
  2. Break the eggs into a bowl and add the milk and salt. Beat the eggs with a fork until well mixed and stir in the black truffle.
  3. Heat an omelette pan over high heat and add the olive oil, tilting the pan to ensure it is well distrib-uted.
  4. Pour the egg mixture into the pan and cook for 2 minutes until the edges are solid.
  5. Use a spatula to lift the solid egg away from the edge of the pan and allow some of the runny egg to reach the pan and be cooked. Continue doing this until the top is no longer extremely liquid.
  6. Take a plate and place it on top of the pan.
  7. Invert the omelette onto the plate by putting one hand on top of the plate and the other hand hold-ing the handle to the pan and flipping the pan over.
  8. Moving quickly, shift the omelette onto the pan and place back on the flame until it is cooked. It should be cooked on the outside and soft on the inside without taking on much colour.

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