
Wake-up Green Juice

April 18, 2015
0 Ratings
  • Serves 2 Glasses
Author Notes

The past couple of weekends have been so beautiful, people are enjoying the new spring-y feeling, breathing deeply the fresh air, enjoying the sun and for sure starting to eat healthy. i have to admit myself too :-) so i loooove sipping on THIS refreshing green juice reminding myself the supreme benefits of green Juices:
-you get top nutrition
-very easy to prepare
-you consume a much bigger variety of vegetables
-no added sugar, no präservatives, no bad additives
-and: you feel so trendy :-) —DRB

What You'll Need
  • 2 cups of spinach
  • 2-4 mint leaves
  • 1/3 of an english cucumber
  • 1 small cube of peeled ginger
  • 2 big pears, chopped (very ripe)
  • 1-2 tbsp of chia seeds
  • 1 cup of ice cubes
  1. Add a little bit of water (not the whole cup), spinach and mint leaves to the blender. Start the blender on a low speed and mix until smooth. Add the pears, cucumber, chia seeds, ginger and the rest of the water. Blend it, gradually move to higher speeds until very smooth. Add the cup of ice cubes, blend it until the juice is very smooth. Serve it in a glass and enjoy it very cold. Note: If you prefer the green juice a little bit sweeter add 5-7 dates into the blender (together with the last ingredients).

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