Serves a Crowd

Cinnamon Tagliatelle with Stracciatella di Bufula & Spinach

April 22, 2015
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  • Serves 6
Author Notes

Cinnamon Tagliatelle with Mascarpone,Stracciatella di Bufula & Spinach with a Dash of Fresh Nutmeg and Black Pepper —Johanna's Table

What You'll Need
  • Pasta
  • 500 grams Type 00 Flour
  • 5 Eggs
  • 2 teaspoons Ground Cinnamon (Sri Lankan, More Earthy Cinnamon)
  • Semolina flour, for rolling and dusting
  • Sauce
  • 8 ounces Fresh Mascarpone
  • 1 packet Stracciatella di Bufula, sliced
  • 2 pinches Freshly ground numeg
  • 2 pinches Freshly ground black pepper
  • 1 pinch salt
  • 1 bunch fresh spinach, stems removed and washed
  • 1/3 cup Freshly grated parmigiano reggiano (for pasta sauce)
  • 1/2 cup Freshly grated parmigiano reggiano (for serving, optional)
  • 2 tablespoons fresh cream
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 2 tablespoons unsalted butter
  1. Take a large wooden cutting board out and place somewhere you have ample room to move around; Place flour on the cutting board and create a well with an opening in the center of the flour. Make sure you put the flour up high enough around the hole- think of a water reservoir. Your hole should be wide, about 4 inches or so in diameter but don't bring out any measurements! This is supposed to be messy; Pour the five eggs in the center of the well; Add the cinnnamon to the center and use a fork to beat the eggs slightly and begin to incorporate the flour; Continue to incorporate the flour using your hands until all of the flour and eggs are well mixed together. The dough should be a bit tough to work with but if the dough is too dry, soak your hands in a bit of water to help knead; if it is too soft, add a bit more flour; Continue to knead the dough with your hand for about 10 minutes or so and form a ball; Place in bowl and cover with plastic wrap and leave to rest for an hour in a darker location (not under the light) or in the fridge; When ready to roll out your pasta, dust your cutting board with flour and semolina; Cut your dough depending on the size of your pasta maker- mine is quite small so I cut the dough into an inch thick piece or so (came out to 5 slices); Roll out with rolling pin to make a longer piece with the width of the pasta machine size; Put the sheet through the pasta machine 2-3 times, continously making the setting smaller. This is how you get the right thickness you are looking for for your pasta. I usually end up on setting 4 or 5; Follow with the pasta machine addition to slice into tagliatelle; Place pasta through the pasta machine addition and then place pasta on another cutting board dusted with semolina; and Repeat for remaining dough.
  2. In a large pot, prepare water for pasta to boil with some sea salt; When water starts to boil, add pasta, stir occassionally and cook for several minutes until it begins to float and is al dente when you taste it; Place pasta in colander and let it sit while you prepare the sauce; Place butter in pot over medium heat and add garlic once melted; Cook garlic for several minutes to add flavor to the butter; Add the spinach and saute in the garlic butter until almost weltering; Lower heat and add mascarpone in and mix in will with wooden spoon; Add straciatella di bufula and when it begin to melt well, re add the pasta along with the cream and 1/3 cup of parmigiano reggiano; Mix all together until well combined gently using tongs; Grate nutmeg and black pepper and season with salt; Taste to make sure well spiced and add more cream if the pasta needs it ;and Remove and serve immediately with freshly grated parmigiano reggiano on top.

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