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40 Reviews
December 12, 2023
I was planning to make this for a dinner party this weekend but have been told a guest can’t have dairy or citrus. Any idea how the green sauce would be without lemon? I guess i could just make 2 versions - with and without lemon.
Amanda H.
December 13, 2023
Hi Maries -- you can use vinegar instead of citrus. White wine vinegar or Sherry vinegar would work well as substitutes.
Maire M.
April 14, 2023
Shun knives are the best - life changing in fact especially for herbs and cutting onions.
August 4, 2020
A great (and easy) success. And lesson learned: it turns out flank steak really is tender and delicious with no marinating beforehand.
Can I.
May 25, 2017
I've been making this for a few years, but just discovered a new use for the leftover sauce: roasted vegetables. It is amazing. Just roast your veg as usual and toss with some sauce. I freeze the extra in smallish portions and thaw as needed in a bowl of warm water.
March 16, 2017
This is amazing. So easy and a major crowd pleaser. I marinated the steak beforehand in a soy/wine/onion marinade but then served the green sauce alongside and it was a huge hit (with a pretty discerning crowd).
December 18, 2016
This sauce is delicious! I've served it on steak, fish, and salad. I've also made a version with cilantro in place of Basil.
October 5, 2015
Who in blazes has filleted anchovies just sitting around? I mean common, people. Many of these recipies are good, but then you guys send out these zingers.
robin L.
October 5, 2015
Actually, I made this sauce and it's as simple as it sounds, and tasty. And you'd be surprised how many grocery stores carry filleted anchovies these days. (Pretty sure I got mine at our local Safeway.) Good to have around if you want to make your own Caesar dressing, too. (And they last long.)
Meredith G.
July 3, 2015
What kind of marinade? so that
It wont change taste when I add sauce..I love a nice marinade
It wont change taste when I add sauce..I love a nice marinade
Amanda H.
July 5, 2015
Hi Meredith, I'd probably keep the marinade simple -- olive oil, lemon juice, crushed garlic, dried chile, and salt. Good luck!
Mike S.
May 28, 2015
I can't wait to make this tonight! My oven has two settings for the broiler: high and low. How do I know which to use?
Amanda H.
May 28, 2015
I'd say go with high -- you want pretty strong heat to cook the steak. Low seems like what you'd use for toast.
Mike S.
May 29, 2015
This was so delicious and simple that I want to cry about it. The sauce was so spectacular that I want to take a bath in it and then marry it.
robin L.
May 25, 2015
I'm always worried about flank steak (even if I've bought the best I can find either at Whole Foods or our local butcher), that it won't be tender if it's not marinated a day or two ahead of time...But, no need? Is the secret to slice it as paper-thinly as possible? (If I wanted to marinate it, how would you recommend...?)
Amanda H.
May 27, 2015
Yes, thin slices help and the key is cutting across the grain. I haven't found a need to marinate but of course there's no harm in doing so!
May 25, 2015
Is grilling just as good or does broiling work best? I'm not really good with the broiler
Susan C.
May 12, 2015
May 8, 2015
I had problems with the cooking time. Broiler on high for 5 minutes a side. Let it rest for 10 and cut into the meat. By the third slice realized the middle was still completely raw. Had to put it back in the oven but lost some of the tenderness.
Amanda H.
May 8, 2015
Yes -- this all depends on your broiler and the distance between the flame/heating element and the steak. In my oven, it really does take just 3 minutes per side for medium rare. But everyone's oven is different. Thanks for noting this!
May 7, 2015
Pretty sure it's cut across the grain - flank steak is tough if you cut with it. I agree about flank steak - I frequently buy a couple on sale (not quite as cheap as it used to be) in warm weather for entertaining insurance. If they don't get eaten within a few days, they defrost quickly later.
May 7, 2015
So do I . . . I always buy twice or 3 times what we need, and marinate it all, putting the extra marinated steaks in the freezer. A great time saver and of course, the long marination makes the steak so much more tender. (During grilling season, i do the same thing with chicken, usually at the same time as the steaks. Grilling regularly, and effortlessly, guaranteed.) ;o)
May 15, 2017
What marinade do you use? I never thought of putting the marinated steak in the freezer. Great idea.
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