Serves a Crowd

Grilled Mexican corn

October  4, 2022
1 Ratings
  • Serves 6
Author Notes

My version of traditional grilled Mexican street corn uses two non-traditional ingredients Kewpie Japanese mayonnaise and Smoked Spanish paprika. The result is possibly the messiest, best corn you have ever eaten. Perfect for a summer barbecue. —Kim at Something New For Dinner

What You'll Need
  • 6 fresh corn cobs with husk in tact
  • 1 lime
  • 1/3 cup Kewpie Japanese mayonnaise
  • 1 teaspoon Spanish smoked paprika
  • 1 teaspoon chili powder
  • 4 ounces grated Cotija cheese
  • 1/3 cup chopped cilantro
  1. Pull the corn husks back from each cob and remove silk, leaving the corn husks attached to the corn. Pull off a small ribbon of the husk and tie the husks back to form a handle.
  2. Fill a sink full of water and soak the tied corn for at least half an hour. This helps prevent the husks from burning when they are on the grill.
  3. While the corn is soaking, grate and juice the lime and mix it with mayonnaise, smoked paprika and chili powder. Cover and refrigerate until ready to serve.
  4. Clean and lightly oil your grill grates and heat to medium-high. Dry the corn and grill until charred on all sides, taking care to keep the husks away from the hottest part of the grill, about 10 minutes.
  5. When the corn is cooked, remove any lingering silk and generously rub each cob down with the lime-mayo-spice mixture. Sprinkle each cob with the grated Cotija cheese, chopped cilantro, salt, and if you prefer, a little extra chili powder. Serve hot with plenty of napkins.

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1 Review

Lise J. June 21, 2015
We made this recipe for a small dinner party and the reaction was fantastic. The sauce is amazeballs. I've had variations of this dish in a few solid restaurants, in a few different major U.S. cities and this recipe stands up to the best of them.