Memorial Day
Whiskey Punch
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4 Reviews
August 8, 2015
Anyone out there have a recommendation for the lemonade? We are taking this camping and I considered a frozen or premade lemonade, but I am afraid to be adding it's sugars into the mix as well...
July 28, 2015
I'm guessing (but would be happy to have recipe author Kendra jump in here) that the honey is diluted to a simple syrup so it mixes more readily and easily into the punch. Viscous whole honey might not mix or stay mixed. OTOH, for one batch of punch you only need 1/4 cup syrup, so why not mix just that small amount, and leave the rest of the honey bear (or other good artisanal honey) to drowse in the cupboard for another future use?
June 17, 2015
Wait. If you take 12 oz of honey, mix with 12 oz of water, and simmer down to 12 oz, why not just use 12 oz of honey? What is the heat doing, other than possibly destroying the complex and subtle flavors in the honey? (Although, the flavor of the honey in the plastic bear isn't particularly complex...)
June 19, 2015
I was thinking the same thing. Honey has an indefinite shelf it suddenly only lasts a few weeks?
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