
Pumpkin Raspberry Parfait – Raw Style

June 11, 2015
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  • Serves 1-2 glasses
Author Notes

I love the colors of fall – the reds, yellows and oranges – and Pumpkin! never thought of making something from raw Pumpkin before but thought why not – and it turned out yummy. With the left over Pumpkin I made a smoothie with hemp milk, banana, cinnamon, dates and L.O.V.E. and was it yummy!!
Raw Pumpkin is quite nutritionally dense – making healthy eating easy. Pumpkin in it’s raw form is loaded with Vitamin A and potassium.
- See more at: —jodiburke

  • Pumpkin Puree:
  • 1 piece small to medium size Pumpkin – insides scraped out, seeds could be washed and dried and baked in oven or dehydrator if wanted for yummy snack
  • Pumpkin will need to be cut up into small pieces and the outer skin taken off.
  • 1 teaspoon Cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon Nutmeg or Pumpkin Pie Spice
  • pinch Himalayan Salt
  • 1/41/2 cups Water
  • 4 tablespoons Agave (or other natural sweetner – adjust to taste)
  • Throw all ingredients into Vitamix or Blender and slowly add water until desired consistency – you want it kind of thick not too runny, it may take scraping down the sides a few times and a little bit to get fairly smooth.
  • Raspberry Puree:
  • small package fresh Raspberries
  • 1/2 in grated Ginger
  • 2 tablespoons Agave (or other sweetener)
  • 1 cup Cashews
  • 2 tablespoons Agave (or other natural sweetener)
  • 1/41/2 cups Water
  • Cashew Whip:
  • 1 cup Cashews
  • 1 teaspoon Vanilla
  • 2 tablespoons Agave (or other natural sweetener)
  • 1/41/2 cups Water
  1. Throw all ingredients in Vitamix or Blender except the water, slowly add the water until desired consistency is achieved – you don’t want this too thick or too thin.
  2. Get a parfait or wine glass and put in layers starting with the Pumpkin puree, then the Raspberry Puree, Cashew Whip, chopped Walnuts and repeat. Eat and Enjoy!!

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