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Perfect Manhattan
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4 Reviews
December 22, 2016
It's ironic you say this "unbuttons the dark, boozy collar of a regular Manhattan just the right amount." This is boozier than most Manhattan recipes by alcohol content. (The first one I found online was 3 parts rye to 1 part vermouth, where this recipe is 4:1).
What it IS is less sweet... which is an improvement, IMO, lending the Manhattan more of the sophistication in taste it carries in name.
What it IS is less sweet... which is an improvement, IMO, lending the Manhattan more of the sophistication in taste it carries in name.
January 14, 2020
Check your math, it's 2:1 (try adding the two vermouths together) which is the correct ratio for a classic Manhattan. 3:1 or a blistering 4:1 might indicate a drinking problem. That being said, I would double the amounts in this recipe for a cocktail for myself haha :) :) :)
June 22, 2015
My husband loves perfect bourbon manhattans. I use Carpano Antica Formula sweet vermouth and Dolin dry, homemade brandied cherries, and a small piece of lemon peel. the lemon peel is the garnish for a dry manhattan, and since the perfect is halfway between regular and dry manhattans, using both cherry and lemon garnishes seems appropriate.
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