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Simplified Limoncello Tiramisu with Raspberries
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10 Reviews
April 15, 2010
This sounds like a revelation. I CANNOT WAIT (screaming definitely intended) to make this dish. I'm absolutely certain it's going to kill...
March 25, 2010
Utterly brilliant!! Cannot WAIT to see the new recipe. Not sure where to find the Buddha's Hand, however. I never see it at the Farmers' Market or at any of my usual produce haunts . . . . ;o)
March 25, 2010
Hey, do you think I could use some Shaker Lemon Sauce instead of lemon curd? It's made by whirring in a food processor equal parts of sugar and butter, and 1/2 cup of lemon juice and 1 egg for each cup of sugar used, then cooking over a double boiler until thick. (You can vacuum seal this stuff when just cooked, i.e., really hot, and it holds for a year!!) I have about two dozen Meyers in my kitchen begging me to stop experimenting with meatloaf and macaroons. And then there are some newly ripe ones on the tree outside my door . . . . I just can't see buying lemon curd under the circumstances. ;o)
March 25, 2010
I don't see why not, Shaker Lemon Sauce sounds like mistake proof lemon curd to me, I have to try it!! By the way I'll send you my address if you need a place to unload those extra lemons ;)
March 16, 2010
Yet another fabulous recipe to add to my Meyer lemon file - thank you! Would like your Limoncello recipe, Antonia. Perhaps it is already posted?
March 16, 2010
And a great way to use some of the Limoncello (2 quarts) that I made early this winter when I had about twenty pounds of Meyer lemons sitting in my kitchen. Not sure when we'll see raspberries, but this one is definitely "Saved to My Recipes" for when they are in season. ;o)
March 16, 2010
Antonia. would be nice with Spring's first strawberries too, different but still v. nice. jealous you still have limoncello, my significant other has been nipping away at mine since New Years and I have about 1/2 cup left ;(
March 25, 2010
Aliwaks you should post your limoncello recipe - I still have some of the Buddah Hand version that you told me how to make and I get raves whenever I (begrudgingly :-) share it!!! Oh and I see Lizthechef just asked for AntonioJames' version too. Limoncello recipes please ladies!!!
March 25, 2010
Did you see Merrill's article on buddahs hand??? I'll post my limoncello...going to try a new twist on thinking ginger thai basil.
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