Affogato allo Zabaglione
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27 Reviews
February 27, 2014
I passed this by the first time I saw it, sensing "trouble." But am unable to resist it this time around. Thinking I could make it Pesadichy and serve it for Seder. (We don't worry about mixing meat and milk.)
June 27, 2013
Mrs larkin pleeeeese reveal where I can get the cute jars from.
June 27, 2013
hi Seiko. the jars i use (photo 2) are recycled Bonne Maman jam jars: http://www.amazon.com/dp/B000EXWL8M/ref=cm_sw_r_tw_dp_qjdZrb1VZTJJ1
the food52 jar (photo 1) is a Janaer Glass Egg Coddler: http://www.hayneedle.com/search?Ntt=SRSH338
the food52 jar (photo 1) is a Janaer Glass Egg Coddler: http://www.hayneedle.com/search?Ntt=SRSH338
June 27, 2013
rather, they *look like* Janaer Glass Egg Coddlers. You can also buy them here: http://shop.herriottgrace.com/product/glass-egg-coddler
June 3, 2013
Affogato might be my favorite dessert in the world. And with lady fingers and zabaglione, OMG. I have to make this.
Debbie L.
November 12, 2011
Affogato is one of my favorite desserts. It's such a simple pleasure of 2 great delights: espresso and ice cream. What a fun addition the zabaglione is!
May 30, 2011
Let me get this straight. Affogato, zabaglione, Kalhua, whipped cream? All in one place? At the same time? Seriously too good to be true.
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