Dad's Mango Bread
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8 Reviews
August 27, 2018
I made this once, but modified a bit. I added less sugar (3/4 C), 1 tea salt, didn’t do the baking soda step, added extra coconut (1 C) and only used puréed mango, no chuncks (1 3/4 C). Baked for 1 hr 15 and it came out very dense and somewhat sticky, but I didn’t mind the texture. I’m trying another loaf this time I toasted the coconut, added a touch of vanilla and used brown sugar to give it a little more depth.
August 9, 2018
This came out super gooey in the middle, even though the skewers came out clean. Is it supposed to be that moist? I even left it in probably 80 minutes.
August 10, 2018
Mine, too. Same thing, skewers came out clean. Tasted so doughy I had to throw it away. I could tell the mango flavor profile was very forward, so I really want to try and make it again. Not sure what to adjust.
Lana N.
August 11, 2018
Mine was also super the oven for over 1.5hr. The top was delicious but the majority of the bread was too gooey. Since it's so delicious, I will try it again with less puree mango & use greek yogurt in lieu of regular yogurt. I will also try a less rip mango for the cut up pieces so that there is less moisture.
Janet H.
August 4, 2018
Ooh! Just came home from the farmers market with a huge fragrant mango. Can't wait to make this (coconut haters in my family be damned, LOL). Will let you know the results.
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