Pucker-Up Lemon Sumac Chicken with Lemon Herb Board Sauce
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35 Reviews
Emily D.
December 16, 2023
I used all of the onion in the gravy. I also added chicken broth to the bottom of the pan and poured over the chicken as it cooked so there was more sauce. I marinated it in the spices overnight. Very delicious!
March 19, 2017
Just made this preserved lemons and added smoked olive oil with the herbs to coat the chicken. DELICIOUS served with Food52's lemon tahini roasted broccoli.
Leith D.
March 19, 2017
I'm glad you enjoyed it! The smoked olive oil is a great idea, and I'll have to try the lemon tahini roasted broccoli. Thanks for your comment!
Alex G.
April 5, 2016
I love this recipe, and will make it often. So far everyone I've made it for has asked for the recipe, and I've had to send them home with Ras al Hanout, which I made from a recipe I found online and in one case, an amount of Sumac. So delicious!
A C.
January 15, 2016
Because I have been obsessed with sumac this month, I am definitely going to throw this into my chicken brine for the birds on the rotisserie. What about a lemon~sumac marmalade to garnish the chix when served ?! oh man thanks for sparking my mind on this. I'll put it up on my instagram feed when i cook it.
Leith D.
April 29, 2016
I recently made a Meyer lemon marmalade with sumac...a sweet-savory concoction. It goes well with this chicken and many other chicken dishes. Use a regular marmalade recipe, reduce the sugar a little, and add sumac.
Bethany C.
September 7, 2015
I adapted your recipe a bit and posted it on my blog. Thanks so much for sharing your recipe! The flavors are amazing!!
Sophies F.
September 4, 2015
What a very interesting delicious looking recipe!
It looks just freaking delicious! :)
It looks just freaking delicious! :)
September 2, 2015
Leith - I made the chicken last night, and it was heavenly!!! And the house smelled of spices - in a really good way :)
Leith D.
September 2, 2015
Thanks to everyone for their comments and support. I love being part of the Food52 community!
August 27, 2015
Looks there a reasonable substitute for the ras el hanout??
August 28, 2015
Tasha, I opened up my copy of Paula Wolfert's Couscous and Other Good Food from Morocco and after eyeballing her recipe for Ras el Hanout, I threw in allspice, black pepper, mace, nutmeg, cardamom, dried ginger, cinnamon, lavender, aniseed, clove and some cayenne. (that recipe also called for rosebuds, orrisroot, and galingale, which I didn't have on hand :) I whizzed it in a spicegrinder with he other spices and used dried instead of fresh thyme. Cooking now; smells heavenly.
Leith D.
August 28, 2015
I searched for an easy substitute and found one on that calls for equal parts paprika, coriander, ginger and a pinch of saffron. I'd add a pinch of cayenne too. Ras el hanout is becoming easier to buy in stores and it's available online too. A little goes a long way.
August 27, 2015
I think I will be dreaming about this chicken tonight! Congrats on the finals!
Leith D.
August 25, 2015
I made it again last night, and took happycook's advice to make more board sauce. I made it in a bowl instead and then let the chicken rest on top so the juices could mix with the sauce. Yum!
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