
Stuffed Tomatoes

August 19, 2015
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Photo by Sunnycovechef
  • Makes 6 generous servings
Author Notes

A recipe that I've made for years are my stuffed tomatoes. They are fabulous with rack of lamb. Use tomatoes you like for this recipe, the larger the better. I often vary the recipe by adding different herbs or vary the amount of zucchini or mushrooms, increase the amount of parmesan. Bake any leftover stuffing in a greased gratin dish sprinkled with parmesan. —Sunnycovechef

  • 6 large toamatoes
  • 3 small zucchinis (yellow and green)
  • 2 cups chopped botton mushrooms
  • 3 tablespoons Olive oil
  • ½ cups finally chopped shallots
  • ½ cups freshly grated parmesan cheese
  • ½ teaspoons salt
  • ½ teaspoons freshly grated pepper
  • 1 teaspoon Italian seasoning or use fresh thyme and oregano
  1. Cut the top off the to tomatoes. Scoop out most of the inside of the tomato, sprinkle with salt and drain upside down. Save the juice from the tomatoes and the pulp, but not the seeds. Chop the pulp if necessary. Peel the zucchinis, grate them in a food processor or by hand, sprinkle with salt and drain them in a sieve for about 30 minutes
  2. Heat the olive oil in a large frying pan, add shallots and sauté until the shallots are soft and lightly colored. Add the mushrooms, salt and pepper and sauté everything for several minutes. Add the grated zucchini, the tomato pulp and juice and sauté three to five minutes.
  3. Put everything in a large sieve and drain until it has cooled. Preserve the drained juice. Put the zucchini mixture into a bowl, add the parmesan cheese and season with salt and pepper.
  4. Scoop the sauté mixture into the tomatoes, sprinkle with some extra Parmesan and put the top on the tomatoes. Pour enough juice from the sauté into an oiled gratin dish to cover the bottom, add the stuffed tomatoes and bake in a preheated oven at 375 degree Fahrenheit for 20 to 30 minutes.

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