Fourth of July

Cathy's Caribbean Crab Topped Salmon

October  4, 2022
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Photo by Cathy Curran
  • Serves 2
Author Notes

This dish was inspired by my recent holiday in Barbados, we ate a similar dish which was Mahi Mahi topped with a creamy crab coating, it was truly delicious. As this is baked in the oven, it makes sense to use a firm fish like turbot or halibut or salmon as I have used which is also a bit cheaper! Its also yummy served on top of my mint puree and some potato salad which is really summery! —Cathy Curran

  • For the salmon
  • 2 pieces Fresh Salmon or firm white fish like turbot or swordfish
  • 1 cup Fresh crabmeat
  • 1/2 cup Good quality mayonaise
  • 1 handful Fresh coriander
  • 1 tablespoon Dijon Mustard
  • 4 tablespoons Fresh breadcrumbs
  • Pea and Mint Puree
  • 1 packet Frozen Peas
  • 1 bunch Fresh mint leaves
  • 1/2 cup Fresh Cream
  • salt and pepper to taste
  1. Preheat oven to Gas Mark 5, 375 F 190 C. Method Mix the crab, breadcrumbs, mayo, chopped coriander and mustard together in a small bowl and season to taste with salt and pepper. Spread the crab mixture over the salmon and press down firmly so it forms a blanket on top of the fish. Now chill in the fridge for 15 mins to firm up before cooking.
  2. In the meantime, make the pea puree by boiling your frozen peas for 2-3 minutes, strain and leave to cool. then in a blender mix with the fresh mint, cream and a good seasoning until a lovely thick mixture. This will make more than you need but it will keep in the fridge happily for a number of days. Once the crab salmon has chilled place it on a baking tray in the pre-heated oven and bake for 20 mins until nicely browned on top and the salmon is fully cooked through. Enjoy!

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