5 Ingredients or Fewer
Sweet Potato Maple Hash Browns
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3 Reviews
Hanley B.
October 13, 2015
Will this work with regular potatoes? I only ask because I'm not sure if sweet potatoes are as starchy as regular ones. I was previously told that regular potatoes had to "dry out" in the fridge overnight otherwise they'd get soggy.
Kendra V.
October 13, 2015
YES this will work with regular potatoes! Just be sure, after you shred them, to dump the pieces in cold water and slush them around a bit to get the excess starch off. Then wring the shreds out TWICE to get them super dry before frying!
October 8, 2015
This is so delicious I am wanting to make this three times a week. With a simple ham slice, or an over egg, or roasted green beans and carrots, or sautéed corn nublets and red pepper slices, or a baked chicken whatever, etc and so on...just a perfect great taste, IMO. So, thanks!
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