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Smoked Trout Deviled Eggs
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35 Reviews
September 13, 2012
Every party loves a pooper, so here I am. The smoked trout would be better appreciated served alongside basic, traditional deviled eggs rather than in the eggs. At many gatherings,I've observed consumption of deviled eggs from multiple kitchens and the first to go are the least doctored. But I enjoyed the adventure of trying something different!
December 9, 2010
Love smoked trout and deviled eggs. Cannot wait to have an excuse to make these.
November 27, 2010
I loved this from the minute you first poated this, and am so glad you entered it into this contest! It's perfect!!
November 27, 2010
Love smoked trout and deviled eggs!
November 27, 2010
If you try this, please let me know what you think! This can be scaled way up for entertaining, but the recipe above is the perfect size for a snack for two :)
April 13, 2010
Made this the other day. No cocktail parties in my near future, however, so instead I turned it into an egg salad that was a wonderful lunch at home. It was delicious!
April 7, 2010
This is going in my saved recipes file. Thanks for sharing it!
April 7, 2010
You're welcome - ou're the reason I posted it ;D I hope you like them!
Michelle A.
April 7, 2010
The herbs look so beautiful, do you grow your own or buy them somewhere?
April 7, 2010
Hi Michelle - the chives are from our garden, but the little microgreens and flowers underneath the eggs are from Baby Greens Farm in Exeter, RI.
April 6, 2010
I have some brightly colored Easter eggs that are destined to become these! The greens and flowers are so beautiful. Thanks for the recipe!
April 5, 2010
Oh boy. Love them Pegu. Love them even more on my back patio with a glass of rose´.
April 4, 2010
Those look yum. I have some smoked mackerel I may sub for the trout. I have found the same thing with the fresh and old eggs. I did some testing and found that if I put the eggs into already boiling water and cooked them for ten minutes, they still cook without the sulfur green yolk, and then plunged them into an ice bath they peeled even better than the old eggs.
April 5, 2010
Thanks! That sounds like a wonderful alternative - I love smoked mackerel.
April 4, 2010
Beautiful photo and scrumptious recipe. I'm going to set some eggs aside to age immediately.
April 4, 2010
Thank you! Your mileage may vary, but we love these :) Hope you do, too.
April 4, 2010
I love everything about these!! Smoked trout is one of my favorite things to play with for appetizers. I'm definitely adding this to my file and it's going to the head of the list. Love, love, love them!
April 4, 2010
The picture is beyond gorgeous and these sound just incredible. I adore smoked trout and can only imagine that when added to the filling for deviled eggs, it must be fabulous.
April 4, 2010
First, the picture seems almost edible. Second, don't you just love eggs with fish? Perfect pairing to me. My summers in northern MIchigan would have a lot of white fish with eggs. Also, this is the first that I have heard of "aged eggs" are better for hard boiling, but it sure does make sense. Huh, learning all the time. Bravo.
April 4, 2010
I don't know the science behind that "aged eggs" thing, but it certainly seems to be valid. And I love fish and eggs together - not a combo I grew up with by far, but man, is it good. And thank you :)
April 4, 2010
The "aging" of eggs is supposed to work, because as eggs get older they start to shrink (as they lose moisture). The shrinkage causes the membrane inside the egg to shrink away from the shell, so you get a little air pocket between the egg and the shell. This makes them super easy to peel. Or so I've been told.
April 4, 2010
Hey, that was a great explaination. We would saute' the fresh white fish and serve it with sauteed greens and sunny side up egg. Everything super fresh. I can taste it now.
April 4, 2010
Those eggs are just lovely. My challenge with deviled eggs, alas, is that I never plan ahead and seldom have "aged" eggs. Fortunately, I usually serve them to just Dave and I, so looks are not as important. But Lordy, I have produced some *ugly* eggs!
Do you have a smoked seafood provider you love? I usually end up with Ducktrap, but am always looking for advice.
Do you have a smoked seafood provider you love? I usually end up with Ducktrap, but am always looking for advice.
April 4, 2010
Thank you! For smoked/tinned fish in general, I really love Cole's. We may play with smoking our own this year, though. Stay tuned...
December 31, 2017
Have you tried peeling the eggs with a spoon? Works a treat, even on fresh eggs!
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