Serves a Crowd
Scalloped Potatoes in Herbed Parmesan Cheese & Heavy Cream
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6 Reviews
Janis P.
December 23, 2015
And you didn't list garlic either
December 24, 2015
My research suggests 1/2 cup shredded Parmesan and two cloves of garlic, chopped.
Abigail O.
December 31, 2015
Hi Janis--It seems some of my edits didn't save! Thank you so much for the comment! The recipe is updated now.
December 22, 2015
Wait! How much Parmesan? I think you missed an ingredient.
Abigail O.
December 31, 2015
Hi Sidthecat--My final recipe edits seem to have gone missing along with that ingredient. The recipe is complete and updated now. Thank you for the comment!
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