Valentine's Day
Linzer Cookies
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14 Reviews
February 14, 2021
Fantastic recipe! The dough is really easy to work with compared to other Linzer recipes and doesn't get tough upon re-rolling. I found I only had to bake them 10-12 minutes though. The first batch was over done.
February 14, 2021
Fantastic recipe! The dough is easy to work with compared to other Linzerb recipes and doesn't get tough upon re-rolling. I found I only needed to bake them 11-12 minutes versus what the recipe stated.
December 10, 2020
I’ve made this recipe four times since COVID and it’s always a home run. I would warn that it’s a long process, but completely worth it.
February 16, 2020
Impossible to roll out this dough and when I finally did each cut out crumbled. Got 12 cookies and tossed the rest of the dough I was so frustrated.
March 25, 2017
Excellent, though the dough is a pain to roll out at any temperature. There's one perfect temp at which it doesn't stick or crumble instantly, and it lasts approximately thirty seconds. Still, the dough is quite forgiving of having a fair bit more flour gradually sprinkled in and scraps getting re-rolled, so don't stress. Just use parchment paper and save the prettiest ones for the top cookies. I only had one, circular cutter, so I cut hearts in half of them with a knife and made some sandwich cookies out of those.
February 17, 2016
I made these over the weekend for Valentine's Day. They were a huge hit. A few things I did different - I didn't have almonds, and my almond flour was not fresh. I used pistachios, and ground them myself per @Smaug's comment. They were great! I definitely want to try them with almonds and walnuts as a comparison. Also, I found that putting them in the fridge after they were finished, helped to set the jam nicely, and did not impact the flavor. Thanks for a wonderful recipe!
February 14, 2016
Have always been a favorite of mine. Thanks for the recipe. Can't wait to bake some!
February 13, 2016
The cookies crumbled when trying to remove them from pan. Did not use parchment paper. Have experienced before with gluten free flour and roll out cookies crumbled. Think the almond flour contributed to cookies breaking or that I didn't grease pan/use parchment paper. It's can happen with parchment too. Very, very frustrating. We got 2 complete cookies out of possible 14.
February 10, 2016
I loved your story about the Valentine's lost in the snow and ice. So sweet. This is a great recipe and I look forward to making them soon. Good way to use up the Almond flour I have stashed in the freezer. Thank you.
February 7, 2016
I like Linzer Torte-and linzer cookies- made with walnuts, though I think Hazelnuts are most traditional; at any rate, it's better to grind your own nuts than buy almond flour; they'll be fresher, and they really should be fairly coarse. What I need is some clever trick to thicken the jam a bit at room temperature; I suppose that something might be done with flour or cooking it down some, but neither really appeals much, nor does extensive experimentation seem very practical.
February 7, 2016
Also, 1/4" is very thick for a sandwich cookie- I use 5/16" for Linzer cookies.
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