One-Pot Wonders


February  7, 2016
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Photo by Julia Stempko
  • Serves 2-4
Author Notes

I first tried Shakshuka with my beau at one of our favorite brunch spots in Austin, TX. Immediately in awe of its rustic appeal, I got to work recreating it at home. I tried a few recipes, but I found my favorite (surprise surprise) in the New York Times (http://cooking.nytimes...). In order to add richness and depth, I swapped out the olive oil for grass fed butter (low and slow for the onions and peppers) and jooged the spices. This one pot Israeli breakfast is fantastic anytime of day. We like to have it with a side of bacon for brunch, or, with an herby side salad for dinner. It's wildly simple and truly satisfying. I imagine this would be great center stage at a dinner party! Set out chopped herbs, a few hard crumbled cheeses, and a sampling of ethnic condiments so each guest can personalize their dish. Enjoy!

Special tools:
-Cast iron or oven safe skillet (I love the brand Green Pan) —Julia Stempko

What You'll Need
  • 1 Thinly sliced onion
  • 4 Cloves minced garlic
  • 1 Thinly sliced red bell pepper
  • 1 Thinly sliced green bell pepper
  • 2 tablespoons Grass Feds butter (I've also enjoyed using bacon fat, tallow, or avocado oil)
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons Spanish paprika
  • 1/8 teaspoon Cayenne pepper (adjust to taste)
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons Cumin
  • 1 14 oz can organic diced tomatoes
  • 6-8 Pasture raised eggs
  • Chopped green onion, for garnish
  • Chopped parsley, for garnish
  • Cholula hot sauce, for garnish
  1. Pre-heat oven to 375.. Warm your fat in an oven safe skillet on medium-low heat.
  2. Add onions and garlic. Cook until softened, stirring 3-5 minutes.
  3. Add the green and red bell peppers. Continue to cook, stirring infrequently, 5-7 minutes.
  4. Season with salt and pepper then stir in cumin, paprika and cayenne. Stir for 2 minutes to release aromatics.
  5. Pour in diced tomatoes (do not drain). Increase heat and bring sauce to a boil. Reduce heat to medium-low and cook additional 5 minutes, until sauce thickens. Taste for seasoning, adjust to preference ( I usually end up adding slightly more cumin and salt here).
  6. Crack your eggs in the pan directly over sauce minding the yolks. DO NOT STIR. The eggs are going to bake nestled in the sauce.
  7. Place skillet in middle rack. Turn on oven light so you can watch the eggs. For creamy soft baked eggs bake for 8-10 minutes. For a more well done, solid yolk increase bake time. Check doneness by shaking pan gently to see how yolks respond. A well done yolk will not wiggle.
  8. Once desired done-ness is achieved remove pan and allow to set for 5 minutes.
  9. Using a large serving spoon, serve eggs two at a time garnished with fresh herbs.

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