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Baked Burrata Ravioli in Parmesan Broth
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17 Reviews
September 5, 2020
Ok, so... this tastes fantastic and looks wonderful too thanks to the garnish covering up my terrible looking raviolis!
I've never made my own pasta before, and I don't have a pasta roller... or a very good food processor... I ended up kneading the dough much longer than just 5 minutes and also ended up adding a tablespoon or so of olive oil and then some water on top of that.
The one piece of information I really needed once I started to roll out the dough was how many squares I was supposed to be making! Based on the picture it looked like 2 raviolis per bowl and six bowls, so that's what I went with. 3 1/2 hours later I managed to get the 12 squares rolled out.
The next piece of information I wish I had was approximately how long the squares needed to be boiled. They each seemed to float almost immediately, which seemed strange but seemed to work. Just a few seconds per each square.
There wasn't enough of the cheese mix to put 2 tablespoons in each square, so I ended up having to go down closer to one for most of them (and still had to fill one with just ricotta).
It was nearly impossible to actually fold the squares into any kind of ravioli shape (which I assume is due to my shoddy preparation of the dough), so I ended up mostly making a burrito type shape and then pinning the edges up with toothpicks.
Using the suggested cooking time still had these coming out of the over looking very tasty despite their disheveled outer appearance.
Even with my lack of equipment and experience this recipe was still absolutely delicious, and was just as good a day-and-half later after being in the refrigerator. This was a lot of fun, although a lot of work... a little frustrating at times since I was doing some guesswork, but in the end I'm very glad I tried this.
I'll definitely keep this in mind to make again... but only after I buy a pasta roller.
(Oh... also, I used mostly fresh arugula and mint along with the parsley leaves (and a tiny bit of cilantro) for the garnish, and the mint was a really nice taste surprise when I got a leaf or two)
I've never made my own pasta before, and I don't have a pasta roller... or a very good food processor... I ended up kneading the dough much longer than just 5 minutes and also ended up adding a tablespoon or so of olive oil and then some water on top of that.
The one piece of information I really needed once I started to roll out the dough was how many squares I was supposed to be making! Based on the picture it looked like 2 raviolis per bowl and six bowls, so that's what I went with. 3 1/2 hours later I managed to get the 12 squares rolled out.
The next piece of information I wish I had was approximately how long the squares needed to be boiled. They each seemed to float almost immediately, which seemed strange but seemed to work. Just a few seconds per each square.
There wasn't enough of the cheese mix to put 2 tablespoons in each square, so I ended up having to go down closer to one for most of them (and still had to fill one with just ricotta).
It was nearly impossible to actually fold the squares into any kind of ravioli shape (which I assume is due to my shoddy preparation of the dough), so I ended up mostly making a burrito type shape and then pinning the edges up with toothpicks.
Using the suggested cooking time still had these coming out of the over looking very tasty despite their disheveled outer appearance.
Even with my lack of equipment and experience this recipe was still absolutely delicious, and was just as good a day-and-half later after being in the refrigerator. This was a lot of fun, although a lot of work... a little frustrating at times since I was doing some guesswork, but in the end I'm very glad I tried this.
I'll definitely keep this in mind to make again... but only after I buy a pasta roller.
(Oh... also, I used mostly fresh arugula and mint along with the parsley leaves (and a tiny bit of cilantro) for the garnish, and the mint was a really nice taste surprise when I got a leaf or two)
April 6, 2019
I think I love you Brian, I will cherish this recipe. I love to make Parmesan Brodo, the Gold broth.
March 29, 2018
This looks so delicious and I can't wait to try it. I wonder what kind of white wine you use and would suggest. Thanks
Hi, I.
March 29, 2018
My suggestion is to use a white wine that you'd drink normally. Because the recipe only calls for one cup, you'll presumably be drinking the rest of the bottle whilst cooking! So make it something you like.
Sally Z.
August 11, 2017
would love to make this dish for friends who do not do alcohol. Suggestions? I was thinking of adding something acidic to the water. Maybe a squeeze of lemon?
Hi, I.
August 14, 2017
In the two hours it's simmering the alcohol will cook out completely. If it's still a concern you could leave it out and still have a very nice broth. As far as the lemon, keep in mind that you finish the dish with vinegar, so lemon may make it too acidic.
September 16, 2016
A pound of Parmesan rinds...really. Who has that kicking around? Substitute?
Torianne K.
February 24, 2017
Dan I know this sounds wired, but I keep my Parmesan rinds. I usually put them in a minestrone or ribollita soup, but I have been known to have too many. If you don't collect them Iike I do, you can go to the better stores that have a cheese department (where they actually cut the cheese in store), and ask for Parmesan rinds. I've found mine at Whole Foods, Mariano's, and Treasure Island in the Chicago area. Hope this helps!
Marsha S.
April 7, 2019
I do!!!!!! For quite a while I would save the parm rinds whenever we purchased Parmigiano Reggiano blocks of cheese. I put them in a freezer bag and have plenty to make the broth!!!!
September 6, 2020
I freeze the rinds, when I get a good collection I make the the broth, then freeze it quart containers.
LeBec F.
February 22, 2016
brian, after you fix the typo, would you tell us why water instead of chicken stock? is it that you wanted to make a vegetarian-friendly version, but you would atually use chicken stock when making for yourself? of is there something about water that makes it preferable? Also, I was expecting to see a pinch or two of cayenne or chili flakes. Any reason you left them out? And lastly, since I've very little experience w/ buratta and ricotta, is there a reason you chose the 2 of them and no mascarpone?
Thx for this inspiring dish!
Thx for this inspiring dish!
Hi, I.
February 23, 2016
Thanks for having my back! When I was copying from my recipe database I missed the step on baking and broiling the pasta; obviously crucial. The reason for water vs. broth is just that there are a lot of delicate flavors here, and chicken broth would impact that. But having said that, this recipe has lots of opportunity to play with: change up the broth, change up the filling. It's hard to go wrong. On the mascarpone question, ravioli is generally made with ricotta and other stuff, and burrata is a cream filled mozzarella, making extra creaminess unnecessary.
LeBec F.
February 24, 2016
somehow, I sensed you'd have good reasons. Glad to learn from them. So much more helpful than people who answer " 'cuz that's what I had around", end of conversation!
LeBec F.
February 22, 2016
i was very excited to see this dish when I read that it was yours. but i think some important steps have been accidentally omitted- re: the heating of the ravs and the broth?? All of us have had MANY problems w/ disappeared info from our recipes; ya' gotta re-read them and then re-read them many more times to make sure they're right!
LeBec F.
February 22, 2016
i was very excited to see this dish when I read that it was yours. but i think some important steps have been accidentally omitted- re: the heating of the ravs and the broth?? All of us have had MANY problems w/ disappeared info from our recipes; ya' gotta re-read them and then re-read them many more times to make sure they're right!
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