5 Ingredients or Fewer
Gin Spritz
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8 Reviews
May 12, 2024
Wasn't a big hit. Four of us and no one was really wow about it and one was a definite no. Not sure why as I like all the components...
Taylor S.
June 1, 2022
Delicious cocktail that comes together so easily! I used a local PA gin that had notes of citrus/herbs which paired perfectly.
February 14, 2014
Can you share where the glass in the photography can be found? I'm searching for some coupe glasses.
patricia M.
February 2, 2014
Sound really good execpt I do not care for mint. Any suggestions to replace. thanks
January 11, 2015
Any of the many herbs found in gin. Some ideas, here:
February 2, 2014
I made this for a full bottle of prosecco. I used 6x the amount of mint/sugar/lime/gin. It turned our pretty well, but I would probably cut down on the sugar a bit.
April 29, 2010
Yum, sounds right up my alley. Will definitely be trying it if it ever warms up..
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