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Achiote Chickpeas
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7 Reviews
April 28, 2010
I worked at the American Statesman as an intern when I was in college. I loved Austin. I didn't know I was interested in food, although I loved to cook, when I was there. Luckily I learned more about regional food than journalism. LOL. I remember having Stubbs BBQ at lunch when he was living in his car and a the bar, I think it was called Antoines, let him serve lunch. I came back addicted to Texas food. Cheers to Austin and great regional cuisine!
April 28, 2010
this sounds great! is lambert's the bbq place? i have been wanting to go for quite some time!
April 28, 2010
Yes! Lamberts! You have to go it's really good. Also they have Dymnamo's wine at Mulberry have you been? It's yum.
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