
Ricotta Frittata

April  1, 2016
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Photo by Francesca
  • Serves 4-6
Author Notes

I have a slight obsession with eggs, so much so that I panic if I don’t have at least a dozen in the fridge. Nothing beats going to the farm and getting a few dozens of the freshest ones available and cracking them open to see that they are so fresh that the yolk is orange in color and so vibrant it’s almost blinding! And don’t get me started on when I get lucky and get two yolks in one egg! It happens occasionally with the jumbo ones from the farm and yes, that makes my day! Italians eat a lot of eggs. Unlike here in the US where they seem to be reserved for breakfast, it’s not at all uncommon in Italy to have an egg dish as part of lunch or a quick dinner, particularly after a light first course of soup or ‘pastina.’ Whether fried with onions, peppers, sausage or whatever else is in the fridge or more elegantly prepared in a baked frittata like this here, eggs are a staple in my household and I suggest adding them to yours as well! —Francesca

  • 6 large or jumbo eggs
  • 3/4 cup fresh ricotta
  • 1/2 cup freshly grated parmesan cheese
  • 2-3 slices of provolone cheese, or 1/4 cup shredded mozzarella
  • 2-3 slices deli ham, optional
  • 1/2 tablespoon chopped parsley
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  1. Preheat over to 375 degrees
  2. In a large bowl lightly beat your eggs using a whish so you incorporate some air. Once the eggs are whisked, add your ricotta and break it up so that it’s well blended with the eggs. Add the parmigiano cheese and blend well.
  3. Layer your slices of provolone cheese and ham (if using) and dice them so you end with small squares of each. Add them to the eggs mixture and end with your parsley and salt, which are again whisked together well in the egg mixture.
  4. Add your frittata mixture to a prepared pie plate that has been sprayed with non-stick cooking spray. Place a cookie sheet underneath, in case of spillage, and bake for 40 to 45 minutes or until firm, being careful not too over bake. The frittata is most delicious straight out of the oven or warm.

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