Make Ahead

Zucchini cream with Parmigiano mousse and Sesam Parmigiano croutons

April  3, 2016
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Photo by moomalix
  • Serves 3 to 4 peole
Author Notes

This dish can be served as soup in a bowl, with warm zucchini cream and fresh mousse, or it can be served cold in a glass as fingerfood.

What You'll Need
  • 6 fresh Zucchini
  • 1 Mozzarella
  • 30 grams Parmigiano Reggiano
  • 1 piece of Parmigiano Reggiano crust
  • an handfuls of sesame seeds
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 1 pinch of Salt
  • 1 pinch of Pepper
  1. cut zucchini into large pieces and steam cook
  2. once cooked, put in the mixer with a bit of olive oil and whip untill creamy, adjust with salt and pepper, pour in serving bowls.
  3. Clean the back of the Parmigiano crust using a knife to remove the dirt surface, cut the crust into small square pieces
  4. place the parmigiano croutons over an oven plate cover with sesam seeds and put under the grill until they are full of bubbles, set aside to cool.
  5. in a mixer grate the Parmigiano than add mozzarella cut into pieces and wisk with a bit of oil until fluffy.
  6. Put one scoop of Mozzarella and Parmigiano mousse over zucchini crean and serve with Sesam Parmigiano croutons.

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