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7 Reviews
July 3, 2016
To: mjb - pressing extracts flavorless liquid so flavorful marinade can be absorbed.
April 29, 2016
This was delicious and very easy. I did the pan-frying method. Definitely hits the fried-chyckin spot.
April 10, 2016
Tofu is such a wonderful and versatile food. It really deserves to be elevated out of the vegan/vegetarian/Asian category because it truly supersedes all of those. Seasoned, dredged in any number of grain or nut flours and pan fried, its toothsome texture adds a punch to just about any dish. And that's just one idea. I've even marinated it, smoked it over hickory and sauced it with fantastic results. I hope this recipe ignites imaginations and launches cooks into experimental mode. We haven't even begun to scratch the surface of the possibilities of cooking with tofu.
April 7, 2016
This looks delicious, especially paired with the pilaf. Have you shared the pilaf recipe before?
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