Middle Eastern
Pita Bread
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39 Reviews
Emily L.
May 1, 2016
Just made these and they turned out perfect! I used bread flour and baked them on a cast iron skillet. Will definitely be making these again! Super easy and so much better than store bought!
May 3, 2016
Hi Emily, Thanks so much for your feedback am happy to hear all worked out perfect! We love making this recipe...tasty and fun to make, too :)
March 6, 2014
this is such a great foolproof recipe! the last batch i made, i substituted the bread flour for half AP and half whole wheat. they still puffed beautifully. also, when i roll them out, i sprinkle my work surface with sesame seeds. it keeps the bread from sticking and adds a little extra crunch and flavor to the final product.
March 6, 2014
Hi lisina, so happy to get your feedback and love your sesame seed idea, thanks for sharing it! :)
October 5, 2011
Love this bread! We were able to use it in our class for both southwestern rice sandwiches and our greek salad sandwiches!!!! I think we are finally hang of getting them perfectly puffy! :) Thanks so much Lapadia!!!!
October 5, 2011
H,i growinggourmand! I am thrilled you had so much fun with these and the sandwiches sound very delicious, love the photo above :) I always tell everybody half the fun of making Pita Bread is working on the technique to get them puffy, and watching them puff as they bake; and even if they don't puff they can still be used up for something tasty!
October 3, 2011
Is the 2 1/2 measurement for instant or active dry yeast? Making these today for lunch.
October 3, 2011
Yeast is yeast, accept if it's active dry yeast you will want the sugar added with the ingredients. If is is not active dry yeast, I usually put it in about 1/4 cup of warm water and with the sugar and let it foam for 5 min. or more. Adjust your water amount as well if using packet yeast.
October 3, 2011
Hi boulangere and thanks Martin69 :), this recipe was written for using active dry, however, I have used instant many times; I edited the written portion, hope it is clearer. Actually for this particular recipe, I just let the active dry yeast proof in the bowl with water...before adding everything else...skipping the step Martin69 does with the 1/4 cup water. Also...I have used AP flour at times (when out of BF) and the results were great...btw. Have fun! Will love to hear back after you have made them!!
October 4, 2011
Thanks, lapadia! We cut the 2 1/2 teaspoons in half because we were using instant (and high power instant at that). They are absolutely beautiful! I'll post you a photo of what we did with them. Great recipe, definitely print and keep quality.
October 4, 2011
Hi boulangere! I am so thrilled to get your feedback, and will be looking forward to your photos, too! :)
Montana C.
October 4, 2011
They're posted on the recipe for Southwestern Rice Salad Sandwich Filling. Fantastic, and thank you so much!
August 3, 2011
This recipe, like others, ended up yielding half-puffed pitas for me. It's always so frustrating when this happens. My husband had a great suggestion - make them into rolls instead. They were killer rolls, especially with a bit of cornflour on the bottom. We stuffed the rolls just as we would have the pitas. I think that might be my modus operandi moving forward.
August 3, 2011
Thanks for trying this recipe...and for your feedback, bottomupfood! :), and yes, I hate when when that happens, I finally got to a point where I achieved 100% puffiness...after many frustrating tries. LOVE your roll idea, will be trying that myself!!
May 1, 2011
Pita bread fed me through graduate school, and I really haven't made it much since then. I look forward to trying yours this week. Thank you!
May 1, 2011
Sounds great! They are so much fun to make, even if they don't all "puff up"...haha!
May 1, 2011
Hi, i've got a bit of a problem with the yeast. I used instant yeast and added lukewarm water as instructured but it did not form at all even after 10 mins of waiting! The climate is humid although it was raining on the day i tried this recipe.
Does anyone know what went wrong?
Does anyone know what went wrong?
May 1, 2011
Hi cherrygirl! I'm in total agreement with what others stated on the food pickle…instant yeast doesn't need proofing. The only other thing I am thinking is maybe there was chance that the water was warmer than it should be...and perhaps killed the yeast...just a thought. Anyway, you could always dump the water and yeast, and start over with that part of the recipe if you have a doubt...and believe me I have done that a few times :) BTW - I use instant yeast in the majority of my yeast recipes, and as you read online, I always add it to the dry ingredients before adding the wet ingredients (you can check some of my other bread recipes for that as an example)…however, this recipe wasn’t written that way. I love that you did it your way, Happy Pita making...I would love to hear how everything turned out for you! Linda :)
May 2, 2011
Hi again, just a quick note letting you know that I added a special note re: the yeast instant vs. active dry...all thanks to you and your much appreciated question!
November 18, 2010
Thank you so very much for posting this recipe! I have receintly become unemployed and have really, really gotten into baking. Now I have a pita recipe to play with! This looks like so much fun!
November 18, 2010
Hi Martin69, yes, making pita bread is a lot of fun and glad you will be "playing" with this one! Keep me posted!
August 17, 2010
I am SO happy you posted this recipe. I am going to try this recipe out in the next few days. Thanks!
June 15, 2010
Hi lapadia--I made the pita tonight. They were delicious. They did puff but they were nowhere near as pretty as yours. Any tips on rolling them out round? (mine were kind of mis-shapen) Thanks.
June 15, 2010
Woo-hoo, so exciting!! Let’s see, let my brain start from the beginning; I cut off a chunk of dough, lightly shape it into a ball with my hands, pat the dough into a circle, use the palm of my hand to flatten into a disk…all the while extra flour is being used when needed, don’t want it sticking to your hands, the work surface or the rolling pin. Then I use the rolling pin from the middle out, and then turn the disk, from the middle out, turn, from the middle…turn. I just keep turning, and rolling, kind of like making a pie crust round…hope that helps. BTW - Some of mine still come out mis-shaped AND sometimes parts of them don’t puff! My OCD will drive me to keep making them until they are all perfect, hahaha. Congrats on getting them to puff out! Did you have to watch the puff happen?
June 16, 2010
I did see them puff--so fun! My husband was impressed that they created a pocket--he didn't realize that that was part of the bread--he thought it was a fold or something. Our little Greek restaurant used to get puffy pitas that didn't have a pocket--they had a very light airy crumb in the center--almost like New Orleans French bread. I'd love to know the trick for doing that!
June 12, 2010
I remember that Molly Katzen had a pita recipe in one of her Moosewood cookbooks. I think I tried it when I was in High School and it worked perfectly. I think I'm going to give this recipe a try!
June 13, 2010
Well then khilberg, check out drbabs horiatiki salad and try that with your pita too!
June 12, 2010
Try this with my horiatiki salad!
June 12, 2010
Actually, that is part of my plan...I have your salad recipe saved, sounds delish!
June 12, 2010
Cool--I'm going to do the same this week. That little Greek restaurant used to serve the most amazing puffy pitas--I could eat them by the cartonful. I'm hoping to be able to make them myself with your recipe.
June 12, 2010
And now there's at least 3 of us planning to eat this combo this week! how fun!
June 12, 2010
I love to make pita bread - but haven't done so now in a couple years. You've motivated me to make some this week with your recipe. They're so fun to make. Thanks!
June 11, 2010
What a great recipe!! Thank you for posting this. I've wanted to make pita for a while now. This is perfect. ;o)
June 11, 2010
As I wrote above...you will have a blast. BTW- I wanted to mention re: your Buttermilk bread, I made that recipe, love it, and inspired by using buttermilk with yeast dough, I have rising right now, my sandwich bun recipe...today's adaption using buttermilk, and part wheat flour.
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