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8 Reviews
February 10, 2014
I have a freezer full of fiddleheads, now I have a great recipe to eat them...THANKS Prof...
Tania -.
May 28, 2013
alamesa, I live in Maine where they are abundant this time of year, but couldn't think of a comparable substitute because of their flavor. I looked up fiddleheads in my Barron's Food Lover's Companion and it stated that the flavor was "akin to an asparagus-green bean-okra cross and a texture that's appealingly chewy". I don't know if that helps any, especially trying to find okra in Spain!
May 28, 2013
Thanks so much! Asparagus is plentiful here at the moment and very very good and I can also get great green beans, it is possible to get okra but you have to seek it out and I'm not overly fond of it anyway. I'll try an asparagus and green bean version then. Thanks again!
May 28, 2013
And one day I hope to come over to Maine to try some oysters and crab and do a seafood comparison.:-)
May 28, 2013
Too bad we can't get fiddlehead in Spain. I guess the whole point is to use fiddleheads but any suggestions for an alternative?
June 17, 2010
Curry sounds great with fiddleheads! Green? Yellow? Red? I never would have thought of it, but it makes sense. I'll have to try it the next time I get my hands on some.
June 16, 2010
mmmmm, let's see, usually in some kind of curry (using other spring greens, onions, and whatever kind of meat/tofu I feel like), veg side dish, or to toss over pasta (grilled tomatoes and garlic are my faves). I never had them growing up on the west coast!
June 16, 2010
This looks so good to me. Mushrooms work well with fiddleheads, as they bring out their earthy flavors. How else do you cook them?
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