Chilled cherry summer soup
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10 Reviews
June 29, 2011
How beautiful!
June 29, 2011
Thanks, my writing done today, but am now one handed for a bit after a bad cut on a will be on holiday from cooking for a bit! Loving all your wonderful recipes!
July 6, 2010
i am going to try this soup - i've been searching for a similar recipe for strawberries but i just bought a bag of cherries so this may be the perfect way to use them.
for your picture, i would try a tripod,and turn off the flash - and set up a cheap reflector (using just a garage light aimed on a piece of white poster board to reflect light back down to your food - or, setting it up near a window so that it gets some natural light - or, actually moving your food outside into the shade!) when you do the tripod, you can have it aimed directly down over your food. you'll have to have it tall enough and so that you can focus on your subject - that will depend on your lens. my camera actually has a food setting (nikon D5000) but i haven't used it, though. i always use my manual setting and my manual focus (ok, sometimes i use my auto focus just for good measure!)
thanks for posting this recipe, it looks delish, and good luck with the photography!
for your picture, i would try a tripod,and turn off the flash - and set up a cheap reflector (using just a garage light aimed on a piece of white poster board to reflect light back down to your food - or, setting it up near a window so that it gets some natural light - or, actually moving your food outside into the shade!) when you do the tripod, you can have it aimed directly down over your food. you'll have to have it tall enough and so that you can focus on your subject - that will depend on your lens. my camera actually has a food setting (nikon D5000) but i haven't used it, though. i always use my manual setting and my manual focus (ok, sometimes i use my auto focus just for good measure!)
thanks for posting this recipe, it looks delish, and good luck with the photography!
July 6, 2010
Thanks! I am actually en route to Hungary and will arrive there Wed! I have an Olympus fe that I am trying out. Do adjust the seasonings to your taste. Hope you like the soup.
July 8, 2010
i made it and i LOVED it! the color was as spectacular as it was in your picture! thanks again!
June 21, 2010
Many thanks. I love working with color, as well as the taste. This week while I am taking a break from work, I am also experimenting with my camera. If there is a short photography course somewhere about shooting food, that would be really fun to consider. I have never photographed my food before, much less measured or recorded anything.
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