5 Ingredients or Fewer

Raw Beet and Orange Salad with Roasted Hazelnuts

May 15, 2016
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Photo by Colleen Stem
  • Serves 1-2
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  • 1 large beet
  • 1 orange
  • Handful hazelnuts (either already toasted or in need of roasting)
  • apple cider vinegar
  • salt and pepper
  • Optional. Cooked quinoa or some other grain and or some greens
  1. If you hazelnuts are raw, toss them onto a baking sheet ans place them into the oven at 300 for about 6-8 minutes until slightly golden brown and smell so nice. When done remove and if you don't like the skins, place nuts in a clean towel and rub the skins right off. Wash beet(s) and grate, shave, or julienne into a swallow bowl. I don't peel mine, but peel if you must. Add in the juice of the orange, a splash of vinegar and a dash of salt and pepper. Mix around and let sit for at least 5 minutes (the longer the better)
  2. When you are ready for food, grab a bowl (add anything you want to the bottom, greens, quinoa or what not )and fill that bowl up with the beet salad and top with all the roasted hazelnuts. Grab a fork and eat.
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