Lemony Grilled Swordfish
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5 Reviews
Rick G.
May 24, 2019
Grill it 7min/side and will be totally dry (mayo or not), I will suggest no more than 5 min/side on a 1" thick steak!
Da F.
February 28, 2012
Wish I would have read the comments before trying this recipe, used the suggested amount of mayo and had flare ups which made me move the fish to another part of the grill and as a consequence didn't get good marking, alas. Also, what exactly is 'medium high'? My gas Weber registered 500 (max temp is around 650) degrees when I put the fish on and it seemed a little over cooked and mushy at the table. I've always gotten good results cooking swordfish in a sauté pan before, but this was my first experience grilling - next time I'll use less mayo, and probably cook at a lower temp, too.
July 13, 2010
Wow!! That sounds like a lot of mayonnaise. Did you mean tablespoon or teaspoon? I usually slather the fish with mayonnaise with my hands....uses a lot less. I am going to try grilling the fish. I usually use this method when baking in the oven. I agree with you ...I like a simple approach to grilling fish.
Kelsey B.
July 13, 2010
Thanks for catching the error - the drop down menu selected Tablespoon for me! 6 t. is my best guestimate, about 3 t. per side for a large steak. :) It makes such a difference when grilling the fish - keeps it moist.
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