Grilled Ginger Margarita Swordfish with Tequila Lime and Orange Zest Homemade Butter
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11 Reviews
July 22, 2010
Thank you so much for the editor's pick! It is wonderful recognition. I hope you can enjoy this recipe.
July 24, 2010
When I first made the butter, there was quite a bit of liquid unincorporated...but I kept processing and it all got absorbed in time. So the second time I made the butter first and then added the liquid to it and that took less time.
June 30, 2011
Oops, this was not meant to be in the raw contest...wish there was an easy way to withdraw it and my other grilled swordfish recipe.
July 18, 2010
Wow, can I come have dinner at your place?!! This looks heavenly. Really, really nice!! ;o)
July 18, 2010
You would be very welcome! Thanks. I am trying to see if I can locate Food52 folks in my region through our Whole Foods Market to get together for some events. Hope it works out.
July 18, 2010
This looks absolutely wonderful sagegreen!! I love the flavors you've put together here and love that you whipped cream for the butter. Such a creamy butter when you do it that way and with all the flavors you added including the tequila --- really just wonderful.
July 18, 2010
Thank you so much. I was really good. Btw I love what you are doing with M.A.L.T! I am worked on a program with teens and farming in western Mass.
July 18, 2010
Sorry for the typo-I worked on a program for five years- getting a federal research grant. (The goal was to get teens involved with developing websites for their farming families to market value-added products online, hopefully keeping kids from leaving the farm).
July 18, 2010
That sounds like a great program! So many of our local farms and ranches here have been launching their websites over the last couple years, many of them by involving their very computer-literate kids. Good for you on getting a fed research grant!! I've got a cooking class next weekend at a local farm highlighting their greens and a neighboring ranch's grass-fed beef. A lot of work, but so rewarding as you know! And I've really enjoyed getting to know some of the local farmers and ranchers.
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