Serves a Crowd

Lettuce Nut Tacos

June 20, 2016
0 Ratings
Photo by Imbue By Tara Kircher
  • Serves 2
Author Notes

Lettuce Nut Tacos - A great entertaining dish, & full of nut protein, these tacos are insanely good. —Imbue By Tara Kircher

  • 2 cups Mixed nuts
  • 1 packet Shiitake mushroom
  • 1 cup Teriyaki sauce
  • 1 Large head of green leaf lettuce
  • half White onion
  • 3 Spring onions
  • 1 Avocado
  • few sprigs Mint, Rosemary & Cilantro Leaves
  • 1 Lemon
  • Salt, pepper & cayenne to taste
  1. Slice onion & spring onions, mix both together in a small serving dish.
  2. Finely chop Rosemary, Mint & Cilantro, mix all together in a small serving dish.
  3. Thinly slice avocados, season with salt & pepper.
  4. Heat nuts in frying pan with a olive little oil. Stirring frequently to avoid sticking. Cook for 8 minutes, which will heat & give them a nice caramelized crispy edge. While nuts are cooking separate and prepare your lettuce leafs.
  5. NOTES: I like to put all lettuce leaves in a bowl and surround with all the small serving dishes of taco fillings ... people are then free to grab a lettuce leaf and pile on all the fillings them selves. My taco method is: lettuce leaf, scoop on the warm nuts, add onion mix, then avocado, then sprinkle with herb mix, and drizzle with some lemon. I find green leaf lettuce a much better fit for this dish over iceberg as it doesn't break as easy and is less watery. Give each person half a lemon so they can drizzle it on their finished taco for the final zest of taste... then make many more & enjoy, these are seriously so good!

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1 Review

mikedalena February 21, 2019
What does one do with the mushrooms and teriyaki sauce?