Patty Melt
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55 Reviews
Dawn B.
January 2, 2015
Made this last week and it was awesome! The whole family loved it! Will be making again and again. Thank you!
September 2, 2014
This is one of the first things I made from Food52. Still making it, still loving it!
June 25, 2013
This recipe was insanely delicious and far exceeded our expectations. SO MUCH BETTER than just another burger!
March 6, 2012
We made this last night and Really loved it. Would love to link it on my blog with your permission. Thanks for a great burger recipe!
August 2, 2010
This was delicious. With a freezer full of our own grass fed beef, I am always looking for something different to do with the hamburger (a quite large proportion of a side of beef is hamburger!). The rye bread is essential---mmm, rye from Maine's Borealis Bread. A sliced cucumber and dill salad from long and skinny Suyo cucumbers (seed from Johnny's Selected Seed Co in Albion, ME) rounded things out, along with Latham raspberries for dessert.
August 2, 2010
I just heard back from Leah Zomek, a guest service rep: Friendly's did not come up with the names for either sprinkles or jimmies. These names were already established before Friendly's became a company. Mystery not solved.
August 2, 2010
Beef + Worcestershire + Mustard: this is the symphony of my childhood! My mother STILL seasons everything from steak to burgers with mustard and worcestershire. We should own stock in Lea and Perrin! Adding mushroom, sweet onions, and Gruyere....I vote for this burger - hands down. What a perfect combination. Pass the pickles, please!
July 31, 2010
I agree, Midge. There is hardly such a thing as a BAD home crafted burger. Made with top quality ingredients and love. imho one of the great foods of the world. ;)
Kelsey B.
July 30, 2010
oh Friendly's, so many happy memories from that place! I've even taken my own daughter once or twice, this likes a great recreation of their classic! :)
July 30, 2010
I love patty melts! made one the other night with Point Reyes Blue Cheese. ;) Have always preferred my burger on toasted rye to a bun. I grew up on the North Side of Chicago, and went to college at Northwestern, so my earliest patty melt memories are from Hackney's -- which I understand still exists.
August 1, 2010
It most certainly does! I made a pilgrimage in my brief stint home from Mexico for a Hackney's burger!
July 29, 2010
I'm 12 again, in my purple two piece, eating before I go back into the pool without waiting an hour.
July 29, 2010
My senior year in high school, I worked at our local Friendly's, and I must say that yours looks much better than any I ever made! It's the mushrooms, I think...
July 29, 2010
I think you are dead on with the pickle comment. There is no sandwich without a pickle. Congratulations! This looks soooo delightful.
July 29, 2010
I just had some pickles last night made from courgettes. Kind of like bread and butter pickles. They were served with a rillette made from pork belly and neck. They were a perfect compliment.
July 29, 2010
Yum! I don't know "Friendly's Patty Melt" (must be your neck of the woods), but I do love a good Patty Melt, congratulations on the EP and good luck as a finalist...voted.
July 29, 2010
I did not realise the Friendly's was an east coast wonder. Thanks for the best wishes, I will need it given the competition.
July 29, 2010
OhMyGosh - This looks so so good. I, too, was a child who adored the Friendly's Patty melt, and you just transported me back in time. Cannot wait to make this. Maybe tomorrow.
July 29, 2010
Congrats cheese1227!! My husband LOVES patty melts; this is definitely on our menu for this week! I just taught a cooking class (my second class!) at a farm last weekend which featured grilling grass-fed beef. So glad you're using it too!
July 29, 2010
Congrats on the classes. I've got my first one out at the CSA farm I support in early Sept. I"ve got to come up with some recipes for fall pastas. I'd love some suggestions if you have any.
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