5 Ingredients or Fewer
Sugar-Preserved Citruses
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2 Reviews
June 4, 2011
Do you take care to remove the seeds from the fruit or do they not have any effect on the final result? Thanks.
January 23, 2019
I found a trick to not having to use pectin when making jams , jellies , preserves , marmalades or anything that you want to firm up and not be runny. If you have a lemon tree and use a lot of lemons , save the seeds or pips as they are formally known. I have a Meyer Lemon tree or Bush to be exact and the seeds are very slimy and that is the pectin. I finally conquered the firming problem. I have not tried the Citrus Preserves but I would assume leaving the seeds would certainly help to keep them a bit more firm. I put my lemon seeds in small containers about 2 - 3 tablespoons in size and freeze them . Seeds are good !!! Kinda of long hope this helps !!!
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