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5 Reviews
February 17, 2023
This is an inspired take on the typical and quite literally granola banal take on a yoghurt breakfast.
I renamed it the ethereal breakfast. 🌞
I renamed it the ethereal breakfast. 🌞
Evren B.
August 25, 2016
Only thing turkish about this is urfa, isot and marash. Also we use grape molasses. Google "kahvalti" and check images. I am not trolling, I swear :). It is just the facts.
Sara J.
November 29, 2016
evren i appreciate the comment, having lived and travelled quite a bit in the middle east I have always loved the yogurt for breakfast wether its manaeesh in Beirut or what i cam across this spring in a (admitedly very international) luxury hotel in Istanbul. There they had a breakfast bar with all sorts of toppings to go with yogurt, I fell hard for the mini jars of tahini and the grape molasses as well as the chili. There weren't really any instructions on how to combine it into a perfect Turkish breakfast but I did really fall in love with the dish as much for the flexibility (this morning I added dried Iranian rose petals) as the specific flavors. I call it Turkish breakfast on my menu because I want people in the US to see and learn how wonderful Middle Eastern food is and opposed to being scared of unfamiliar flavors and I want them to know when something is delicious where it comes from.
Annie O.
September 13, 2019
Turkish inspired breakfast would be a more apt title. I have lived in Turkey for almost two decades and never have I seen a breakfast like this except for at hotels with foreign tourists. I agree, this is a tasty breakfast that most tourist hotels will serve that I always enjoy when I go to them on occasion, but the proper Turkish breakfast is almost sacred in Turkish families--my Turkish husband and half Turkish children can vouch for that! Turkish breakfast is a thing not to be missed and with maybe the exception of the tomatoes and cucumbers is quite different from breakfasts in the Middle East (in my experience of Middle Eastern breakfasts--wherein each country has its own take as well).
Oui, C.
August 13, 2016
It's almost 10 pm and i cheated, inwas so hungry. Farmerstyle yogurt and ripped opened a package of dried cranberries &pecans. Also found toasted pumpkins seeds & sunflower seeds. Yum! Cannot wait for the full monte.
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