
Summer Sandwich Cake

October  4, 2022
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Photo by Celine
  • Serves 8
Author Notes

It's Sunday and it's very hot, so friends are coming over to cool off in the swimming pool and I have prepared an easy Sunday poolside nibble to have with a beer!
In France you can buy these from a great frozen food shop called Picard but I thought I would make it myself but add something extra. —Celine

What You'll Need
  • 1 loaf
  • 1 smoked salmon & cream cheese filling
  • 1 pate & cornichons filling
  • 1 egg mayonnaise & cucumber filling
  • 1 handful chives
  • 150 grams cream cheese
  1. I made a loaf the day before and kept it wrapped in tin foil for today. I made a seed loaf in a 17 cm tin, we have 7 adults & 3 children, so this will enough for early supper nibbles. It doesn't really have a recipe as you can pick any fillings you want. I picked: Salmon & cream cheese Liver pate & gerkins Egg mayonnaise & cucumber
  2. Just slice the bread as thin as you can and fill each layer. Then press down firm to keep it together. Then neatly, or not so neatly in my case, use the cream cheese to spread on the outside. All you bakers will be expert at this, I went more for the rustic look to cover up my terrible cake decoration skills. I used some parchment paper under the cake to keep the plate clean. You can just remove this after for a clean line.

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