Asian Chicken and Bok Choy Soup
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3 Reviews
December 2, 2020
My neighbor gave me a bushel of bok choy, kale and greens from her garden. Hence, I tried this recipe -- and it turned out fantastic. This will become a staple, and not just because I still have bags of greens in my freezer! Didn't have any oyster sauce or sambal oelek, whatever that is. But it didn't matter. Still wildly flavorful -- and very easy to make. I added sliced carrots, frozen peas, and some ramen noodles, which turned it into a complete and satisfying meal. Made a copy of the recipe and gave it to my neighbor.
Linda N.
November 6, 2018
This soup is wonderful. As mentioned above, no spec on how much garlic to use, so I added 2 cloves. I didn't add the fish sauce. Just to powerful for my taste. I used China Lily soy sauce and just cut back a bit on it. This recipe is a keeper... !!
October 22, 2018
This soup was delicious! The recipe didn’t say how much garlic to use so I used two smaller cloves. The jalapeño made it sinus clearing spicy. My husband called it “a keeper,” saying he would eat that again. Bravo!
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