Tuscan Tomato Poached Eggs
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11 Reviews
Marlena S.
July 14, 2020
so good, like shakshouka, like huevos rancheros, like all the wonderful egg and spicy tomatoey dishes, but this one: THIS ONE is Italian, delicious in its simplicity, and all i need to hear is its name and i'm getting the pan out of the cupboard. wonderful recipe, thanks Divina Cucina!
July 13, 2020
This looks amazing! I’ll be whipping this up for dinner this week. Thanks for the inspiration.
June 15, 2014
you can use canned san marzano tomatoes and cook them until they break down, i prefer the chunkiness. Tomato "sauce" is faster--- as for how much-- depends on how many eggs you cook and how much sauce you love! for my husband and i i do a small can of tomato sauce for 4 eggs in a small skillet ( probably 9 inches)
June 15, 2014
When you say, "1 can tomato sauce", how big a can do you use? 28oz or smaller?
November 30, 2015
sorry never saw these questions-- depending on how many people are eating! a small can of tomatoes, i use san marzano from italy, and i smash them. Probably 2 cups. about 8 ounces.
October 10, 2009
The original recipe is called "eggs in purgatory" and comes from Naples. I recently prepared it for a baker's dozen friends and actually did bake it but it does require quick plating so that the yolks don't set to hard. I used a deep sheet pan for the sauce in a 400 degree oven.
September 21, 2009
looks wonderful! eggs+tomato sauce+a little spice+lots of bread= a favorite meal of mine!
Amanda H.
September 20, 2009
Quick question: do you mean tomato puree or tomato sauce?
November 30, 2015
sorry never saw these questions. I use a 8 ounce can of tomatoes and smash them to cook down faster and i like the rustic quality of the pieces of tomato.
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