5 Ingredients or Fewer
- Makes more than enough
Author Notes
If you like Limoncello, you are going to love it's younger, darker sister, Cilantro-cello. There is a taco place in our neighborhood that makes the most incredible cilantro lime-soda. I have been trying to replicate it for months, always disappointed in the results. The problem was, I was trying to infuse vodka with cilantro and lime zest. It always turned out bitter and musky tasting. I knew using vodka was a no go, I needed to step it up...To Everclear. My first batch was a winner…after just 3 days I decided to strain it because I didn’t think the Everclear could get any greener and the cilantro couldn’t get any crispier. Yes, crispier…I have learned that when you soak anything in Everclear for an extended period of time, it sucks every bit of color, flavor and life out of it, leaving the cilantro stems crispy to the touch. Seeing that the cilantro had nothing left to give, I strained it, added the simple syrup, and....nailed it! —Katherine
750 milliliters
Large Bunches of Cilantro
3 cups
White Sugar
3 cups
Giant mason jar or vessel large enough to hold 7-8 cups of liquid
- Wash your cilantro bunches & let dry on a kitchen towel.
- Take the 3 bunches and cram them into your giant mason jar. Use a wooden spoon to bruise the cilantro slightly.
- Pour in the entire 750 ml bottle of Everclear.
- Screw on the top of the mason jar and leave on your counter for EXACTLY 3 DAYS.
- After 3 days, make the simple syrup by combining 3 cups of white sugar with 3 cups of water. Bring to a simmer until all the sugar has dissolved. Let it cool completely.
- While the simple syrup is cooling, strain your cilantro-cello. Wash the mason jar and pour the evil looking green liquid back in. Be careful when straining, this alcohol will stain pretty much anything it touches.
- Add the cooled simple syrup to your cilantro liquid. Store your cilantro-cello in the fridge.
- To make the perfect drink: Juice of 2 Limes 4 oz Cilantrocello (seriously, the more the better!) Splash of Vodka ½ can of Lime La Croix Mix everything together and pour over ice.
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